Page 12 of Hurts So Good
The leather felt alive.
As soon as he fastened the buckle, she took a deep breath, then moved her head experimentally, reveling in the subtle pressure it exerted. Jack’s hands slid from her throat to her shoulders, tracing trails of fire behind them.
“Do you like the collar?”
She still wasn’t sure she could talk sensibly, but she managed, “Oh, yes, Sir. It feels wonderful. Natural.” More than that, really. The leather felt like part of her, part of her skin or her soul that had been missing all along and had just been returned to her.
“Thought it might.” His hands slid around to cup her breasts. Fingers clasped her nipples, gentle for an instant, then tightening, gripping. Fierce, hot, harder than anything another person had done to her nipples, as hard as she’d torment them when she was alone and craving something she’d never experienced from someone else’s hands. Different, though, when Jack’s hands did it—different and bone-meltingly good. “Harder,” Serena begged. “Please, Sir. Harder.”
“Greedy little slut,” he breathed in her ear as he pinched down and twisted. “I like that in a woman.”
Was it painful pleasure or pleasurable pain?
Did it matter?
All she knew was that her nipples had never been so happy before, or so directly connected to her dripping sex. Her knees wobbled. A desperate moan escaped her lips, and she worked her ass against him, feeling his hardness, wishing he’d get his pants out of the way so she could enjoy it properly.
And he didn’t let up, not even when he bit down into the muscle of her shoulder.
More heat. More lust. “I could come from this,” she managed to say, her voice broken and breathless.
He shook his head, teeth still clenched into her skin. Then he licked the tender spot and whispered, “Oh, no you won’t. Not until I tell you to.”
And that, paradoxically, was almost enough to push Serena over the edge.
One of Jack’s hands snaked down her body to cup her sex—not stroking or caressing, exactly, but a gentle, possessive touch. Instinctively, she started to roll her hips, to push herself against him, but she took a deep breath, bit her lip, and just barely restrained herself from grinding down. “Good girl,” he said. “Good, wet girl. I was going to toy with you a while longer and then take you into the bedroom, but instead I’m going to spank you here, right now. How do you like that idea?”
She hoped he hadn’t wanted an articulate answer, because all she could do was groan something that she meant to be “Please” but was barely intelligible even to her own ears.
Jack guided her the few steps back to the couch, sat down, and patted his lap. “Over my knee, now!” Curt but not angry, just to the point. She couldn’t have disobeyed if she’d wanted to. One hand pressed her face into the fragrant leather, and the other cracked down on her bare ass, right at the tender curve where bottom and thigh met, and she knew that this would be everything she’d hoped and possibly more.
“One good one on the sweet spot to get your attention.” Jack’s hand stroked gently over the now sensitive area, making the already wonderful ache even more delicious. “And then a bit of warm-up.” A series of slaps, light but building in intensity, moving all over her cheeks but focusing on that area he called the sweet spot. So good. Stingy, but so good.
She rolled her hips, reaching up to meet his hand, then pressing her mound into his leg, careful not to come but enjoying the sensations flowing through her. Broken whimpers poured from her throat.
Her whole ass felt warm and delightfully tender after a few minutes of this, and when he stopped and then moved the hand that was pressing her into the couch, she thought she might weep. She opened her mouth to protest, in fact, only to cry out as he slipped a hand under her and found her clit.
“Oh, yes,” he said. “That’s lovely. You do need this, don’t you?”
Serena almost didn’t recognize the voice that said, “Yes, Sir.”
He worked his fingers skillfully, pushing her higher. The smell of her own juices and Jack’s body, a little sweaty after the hot day, and the leather of the couch were blending, further teasing her senses. Her bottom was throbbing gently, deliciously, and his touch would have made her crazy even without the spanking beforehand. She felt herself starting to contract, tried to think of something distracting.
The idea of cleaning her kitchen held her off for a second.
Then he pinched a little and swirled his fingertips as if to soothe the pain he had just caused, and Serena wailed and bucked and ground her clit shamelessly against his hand as she came.
He bent down, kissed her shoulder. “Bad girl,” he said. “I told you not to come until I gave permission.” He sounded far more smug than displeased. “I guess I’m just going to have to spank you harder to teach you to behave. But since you’ve already come once, you might as well do it again if you can.” He left his fingers on her clit. “Pleasure and pain. That’s what it’s all about.”
And as his fingers kept caressing her, his other hand crashed onto her ass.
She flinched away instinctively, yelped with pain and surprise —then gasped with delight. The heat and sting met the sensations from her clit somewhere deep inside her, creating a feeling like none she’d ever experienced, and she pushed her ass backward, eager for more.
Another hard smack, and another, and another, and all the while the fingers played on her clit. The pain spiraled, and so did the pleasure. Serena’s world shrank to her body and Jack’s hands.
“Come for me,” Jack whispered. “Come now.”
And she did, reaching her peak under a hard flurry of blows.