Page 26 of Hurts So Good
I also control when.
“How many days has it been now, Lily?”
I’m impressed. According to the rules, Lily is not allowed to have an orgasm for two days before we meet. It gives our meetings an edge. Four days of restraint will have honed Lily’s hunger to a razor’s edge. And yet she couldn’t resist defying me by keeping her jeans on. Still, if Lily could move in a straight line from need to satisfaction, she wouldn’t be dependent on someone like me to bind and beat her along the path to release.
“So, you haven’t come in four days,” I say, bringing my left hand down from Lily’s throat and closing my fist around her breast, digging in my fingers hard enough to bruise the flesh. Lily stiffens at the pain, holding her breath in anticipation. “And yet you wear the jeans to keep me out.”
With my right hand, I pop open Lily’s jeans and pull down the zipper. Lily sighs happily and seems to be certain that she knows where my fingers will go next. She has a prominent and sensitive clitoris that reacts dramatically to being bitten or pinched or flicked hard with a fingernail. I slide my fingers in that direction, feel her arse clench against me as she prepares herself. Then I surprise her by reaching up for the leash and pulling hard until she is bent double at the waist.
Lily’s size makes it an effort for her to bend like this. Her legs are tensed to take the strain, and the blood is already rushing toward her head. Her breasts hang, heavy and full. Being a generous man, I help her maintain her position by tying the end of the leash to the spreader bar.
Roughly and with some difficulty, I roll Lily’s jeans down off her wide arse until her sex is exposed. I brush the tip of my finger across her slick lips and breathe in the earthy scent of her arousal. She groans. It takes all my restraint not to enter her then.
Instead, I move round in front of Lily and, reaching into my jacket, I remove a small velvet bag. She sways slightly, straining with the effort of trying to look up at me from her bent-double position. “What are you doing?”
We both know what she means is, “Why aren’t you fucking me?”
I take two silver cigar-shaped cylinders out of the velvet bag. They are each about the length of my index finger but twice as thick. I hold the cylinders directly in front of Lily’s face.
“These are a delightful idea, Lily. I picked them up on my last trip to Japan. An executive sex toy, just like you.”
“Bastard,” Lily spits at me.
“A commonly held view,” I reply.
“At first they look a little like ben wa balls, don’t they, Lily? I know: been there, come on that, but notice the wires at the end of each cylinder. They attach to this nifty little control that enables me to regulate the speed of their vibrations.”
Lily does not look impressed. She’s taken on bigger toys than this in her time.
“Size isn’t everything, Lily. Persistence counts, and these things have long-life batteries. They can keep a bunny buzzing all night long.”
As I talk, I slip a condom over each cylinder
“Why two condoms, you’re wondering. Work it out, Lily.”
Her eyes widen. “You wouldn’t…”
We have been down the road less traveled from time to time, but for Lily this has been more a price she has paid than a pleasure she’s sought. I want to change that. The image of Lily begging to be sodomised feeds some of my darkest hungers.
“I will, Lily. And before I untie you today, you will thank me for it.”
Moving quickly, I step behind Lily to put the toys in place. I push the first cylinder all the way in. It’s a bit of a struggle to get all my fingers, my thumb and the cylinder inside her, but I am very well lubed, and I persevere until I feel the cylinder touch the cervix. Lily’s knees buckle slightly at the contact. But to her credit, she regains control quickly and without complaint, pushing her arse up and back, taking the rest of my hand into her up to the wrist in the process. Lily loves to be fisted. Something in the brutal power appeals to her. If I give way to her now, she will quickly fuck herself to an orgasm.
With my free hand, I slap Lily hard across the arse to bring her to a halt. Then, slowly but determinedly, I extract my hand. The wire from the cylinder hangs obscenely from Lily’s pussy.
“Please,” she says, her voice slightly ragged.
“The word I’m waiting for is ‘Thank You.’”
“That’s two words”
I smile at the fact that, even bound and fisted, Lily refuses to yield.
“Then perhaps a second cylinder is what’s needed to produce them?”
Without waiting for a response, I force my cunt-slickened thumb into her arse. It’s a very tight fit. “Resisting will just make this worse, Lily.”