Page 22 of The Last Heir
“Look at you. You’re not so brave now that I can get to you. Fuck, I could just.” His hand hovered, squeezing the air level with my neck. “You better start moving. The only reason you’re not ass up right now on that bed is because I loved your father. You have one free pass. Five minutes in that shower. Make it quick or I’m getting in with you and love will have nothing to do with what happens. Take that threat however you want.”
Chapter 6
Seven minutes. Not five. That was all I spared before I picked the lock to the bathroom door and entered. Fay gripped the towel tightly around her, clinging to her clothes as my finger pointed in her direction.
“I knocked two minutes ago. Your time is up.”
“I had soap in my hair. Get out.”
“You, get out.” I ripped open the belt to the robe I was given, raising my eyebrow in challenge. I hadn’t meant it literally. There was nothing inviting in my invitation, but Fay didn’t budge as she stared down at my hard cock. Why hadn’t I thought through my actions? The woman drove me crazy. Despite the fogginess, I could still taste her kiss. Still feel her around me. It warped the rage of what she had done. “Out, Fayette!”
“I can’t. I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I’m not finished.”
“Fine, then stay, if that’s what you want. I make no promises on what happens while you’re in my space.” I tore off my robe, hanging it on the hook. When I leaned in and placed down the toiletries I’d been given, Fay’s eyes jerked to the counter until I passed. She wouldn’t dare meet my gaze. I started the shower, watching as she stole a glance at me. Only when she saw how far away I was, did she try easing the pajama top over her head with the towel still on.
“Can you look away, please?”
“No. You’re looking at me.”
“Only because—” Fay let out a sound of frustration, pulling her checkered pajama pants on, and letting the towel drop. Her face was becoming flushed through her scowl. Or maybe the cake was still working on her as well. Had I not been so entranced by her body, I might have thought her cute. But it wasn’t me. It was the damn drugs. The effects were still hovering, lurking behind the shadows of my thoughts.
I got in, trying to catch the outline of her body through the clothes. The glass shower did nothing to disguise my want or need of her. She saw me looking, and she was all too aware of my reaction. But it didn’t stop her from taking peeks. Maybe it wasn’t lust. Maybe she was just afraid. I couldn’t blame her. I hadn’t been lying about my threats. Rage and lust had me on the edge of something I couldn’t explain. If that was a new fucked-up kink or not, I wasn’t sure. What I did know was something had happened to my mind while I was chained up and coming inside of her, and for some reason I was yearning for more.
“Wait a minute. That’s blue.”
I stared at the color of her toothbrush cursing even more. “That’s my stuff you’re using. I had the blue toothbrush, dammit. Did you purposely take that too?”
She pulled it out of her mouth, the confusion clear as she scanned the top of the counter. “Maybe I did. Here.” She slid over her package. “You can have the red one.”
“Perfect. Do you want to use my shaving cream too? Or maybe you don’t since I asked. Go ahead. Take it. I have a penthouse downtown. Take that too, while you’re at it. How about a car. You’ll have a field day there. I have plenty. Yacht, why not, right? It’s probably why you did this to begin with. Be honest, Fay. It’s the money, isn’t it? It’s always the fucking money.”
My head jerked back as toothpaste and saliva splattered across the glass level with my face. I stepped to the side, meeting an expression that stopped me in my tracks. I knew that look. That determination. I’d seen it before. Fay couldn’t hide her emotions as well as George. I hurt her with my words, and I hadn’t merely wounded Fayette. Something told me I’d done a lot more than that with my accusations.
“Don’t ever mistake me for one of your gold-digging whores. I’m sure you’ve had plenty, but I wasn’t raised like that. My father taught me to respect myself. Above all else, when we’re trapped in a corner, we hold our head high and we be nice. We smile. We obey. But when we’re free and clear of the person or people who put us there, we show them who’s boss. Why?” She stepped towards me. “Because we’re smarter than they are. We learn from our mistakes. You, Aimon, were a mistake. This,” she said, waving her hand between us, “this was nothing. You are nothing. Literally, now. Seems we’re even when it comes to status.”
My angry mask stayed despite that I was in awe. Yes, she was definitely George’s daughter. Hadn’t he taught me the same thing? Hadn’t he built me up to believe in myself? To never doubt that I could rise above anyone who tried to get in my way? Fayette had spark. She had drive. It made my interest grow.
“Are you done? You can clean this before you—”
“Clean it yourself.” Her back was already to me, and the door was slamming shut. I bit into my lip, my cock throbbing at how badly I wanted to chase after her. And I could. I could feign my bad attitude to teach her a lesson. If I could get close enough, I could kiss her again. Would she kiss me back? Would she scream as sweet as she had before?
That motherfucking cake. This wasn’t like me. I wouldn’t want her at all once it wore off. I’d despise her more than I did now. Just a few more hours. A day, tops.
I finished lathering my hair, taking my time as I washed my body. Even using the red damn toothbrush, I stayed in my blissful, wondering state. The drugs or herbs did their magic, and me, I couldn’t have cared less now that I was alone and in control. When I finally left the bathroom and came face-to-face with Fayette’s bed, I felt the contentment waver. Sparks of anger returned, merging with the familiar arousal as I took in her sleeping face. And she was asleep. Deeply so, if I went off the light snores that left her.
My whisper went unheard. I moved in closer, staring down, battling what I should feel. It was hard to despise her while I was still under the influence. Harder since I could understand why she did it. Now that I knew she had belonged to George it was even worse. The relationship was something I should have disassociated from her act, but the effects wouldn’t let me no matter how hard I tried. I was mourning him too. He was the closest thing I had to a father, and she was what was left of the man I loved. But he’d hidden her from me. My grandfather I could understand, but me? I wouldn’t have hurt her. Hadn’t he known that?
A broken-up breath filled the room, and she curled into herself, nearly disappearing under the blanket. Was she crying, even in sleep? I crouched, becoming even with her face, not inches away. A tear ran over the bridge of her nose, dropping to the sheet below. I immediately stood, taking a step back. I’d do more harm than good, disturbing her. And I didn’t want to do that. George wouldn’t want more pain added to her plate. Besides, it wasn’t my place. She hurt me. She stole something from me, and I wouldn’t forget that.
I turned towards my room, the sob stopping me dead in my tracks. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t leave. That made my temper spike. Fay called me a fool. Apparently, she was right, because I was already next to the bed, pulling back the covers. When I slid underneath, I waited for the screams. Hell, I waited for worse. I prepared myself, ready to deflect a swing I was sure was coming. And that was okay. After all, a part of me was looking for an excuse for revenge. But when I turned her, she didn’t wake. She just kept crying.