Page 35 of The Last Heir
“I…” Our conversation from every single fucking morning repeated. My head shook and anger at myself filtered through. “She told me. I didn’t know how bad they were. I didn’t know. I should have taken her more seriously.”
Parker glared, pulling out a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. “Reactions this severe can’t be taken lightly. I can tell by her complexion her blood pressure was extremely low. Do you know the risks for that?”
“Low blood pressure?” My head shook. “I’m not a doctor like you, Parker.”
“Let me tell you, then, so you don’t make this mistake again. If it drops too low, she can go into cardiogenic shock. That means her heart is not pumping enough blood through her body. Her heart can fail her, Aimon. She could easily die if something like this happens again. If I wouldn’t have had my bag already on me—”
“It’s not going to happen again. We’ll carry one of those epi things wherever we go. No more nuts. No milk.”
“She’s allergic to milk too?”
“No. Not really. I don’t think so. She said it makes her stomach hurt. Sometimes she gets nauseous, so she doesn’t drink it.”
“Okay. Let’s play it safe and keep a close eye on her. We don’t want this reaction flaring back up. No milk, no nuts. Anything else?”
Thomas put the mask on Fay, straightening the wires to her IV so they wouldn’t catch on anything.
“No. Not that I know of.”
I pushed past Parker, moving to Fay’s side.
“You’re allergic to salmon, too? Well, that sucks.”
The weak response had me picking up her hand to hold between both of mine. “It’s fine. I suppose there’s plenty of other food to choose from. Anything else?”
Her head slowly shook, and I nodded, not caring about missing out on the damn fish. This was my fault. I just wanted her better. I wanted to apologize in more ways than I could begin to understand.
Chapter 11
Books had always been my favorite. They got me through the lows. They lifted my highs. Books were my life. Aimon might not have known me very well, but he did listen when I talked.
He was laying on my bed, reading to me as I dozed in and out. It’d been three days since my reaction, but they still wouldn’t budge on letting me leave the bed. At least I was rid of the tubes and needles.
“Here, I could make her do anything I wanted. The possibilities were endless.
The doorknob connected with my palm and I twisted, pushing it open. The light was on and I left it on, not wanting to miss a thing. The moment we stepped through her scent surrounded me. It was the strongest I’d ever experienced from a human. Her domain was like a treat all on its own, and I suddenly didn’t ever want to leave. To smell that year after year would have been the closest to heaven I would ever get.”
I glanced up at Aimon, smiling as I snuggled closer.
“My legs connected with the bed, and I sat down on the edge, pulling the back of her thighs so she could stand between mine. “Tonight, I’m going to make you fall in love with me, mon chaton. Then, in a few weeks, when you feel you can’t live your life without me, I’m going to kill you.”
Aimon’s eyes flew open and he looked at me. “This vampire guy is not good. Did you say this was romance?”
“Dark romance. They have to fight to be happy.”
“You mean, fight to survive?”
“Yeah. That too.”
At my smile, his face lit up, only to turn into that confused, odd look he kept resorting to. It’s like he couldn’t show happiness or enjoy talking with me, and I understood why.
“I like it. Where did you hear about this book?”