Page 42 of The Last Heir
“I wasn’t. I was just more concerned about him, that’s all.”
“Is it all?”
I met green eyes, knowing he could see right through my lies.
“Fine. I was curious if he asked about me.”
“He does. He also asks to talk to you, which I won’t allow. Not yet. But he knows you and the baby are okay. He’s very much kept up-to-date.”
“What about me?” My shoulders squared as I kept eye contact. “Do I get an update also? I think I deserve one. After all, Aimon’s no stranger to me. I’d like to know how he’s doing.”
Maybe it was my imagination, but I could have sworn a smile tugged at the side of his lips.
“I told you dear, he’s doing good.”
“Elaborate, please.”
“Very well. If that’s what you want. He had a job interview today. I’m not quite sure where he thinks it’ll take him. It’s a waste of time in my book, but he is his own man now, so I’ll hold my judgement for the time being.” He grabbed the black keypad from the table, pushing a button. “Is that all? I’m finished. I’m going to my study.”
A nod was all I could suffice. My stomach was turning, and it had nothing to do with being pregnant. I grabbed the handful of crackers on my plate, standing as Parker and Thomas walked in.
“Thank you for letting me know, Master Charles. I’ll see you for dinner.”
The name had both men’s faces shooting in my direction. Whether it was a good thing or not, I wasn’t sure. It just sounded natural. Less formal than Master Carmelo. And hadn’t we made it there yet?
“Actually.” His finger waved in the air. “Why don’t you join me. I may have something for you to do. It’s quite the conundrum actually. Or maybe it’s just the medication I’m on. Either way, another pair of eyes can’t hurt. And your reputation is…alright. Slightly impressive, but like with Aimon, I’ll wait and see what you can do, myself.”
“You want me to work?” I hurried around the table, waiting as Parker led us out. To say I was excited didn’t begin to describe the emotions within. I could cry, I was so happy. Hell, I was about to cry. I never thought I’d miss using my brain so much. I needed a puzzle. I needed anything that would give my heart a break.
The door to the study was already opened, and Master Charles was led to his usual spot behind the desk. Routine would have put me in my room or on the sofa or chaise, but not this time. I grabbed a chair, pulling it to the side of his desk. For the first time in months, I felt good. Like my old self. Power, confidence, it surged through me like a lightning bolt.
“You said conundrum. Am I here for advice on marketing? Strategy?” My hand waved the words away. “Do you need a consultant or are we talking accounting and finance? Doesn’t matter, really. I can do it all. I can do everything. I’m your person; I got this.”
One blink. Two. Three. Charles put on his glasses.
“I’m glad to see you’re motivated. I’m just going to show you a file while I look through another. Tell me what you think.”
I took the large folder, barely able to contain the shock at the letterhead as I opened it. Lenstrum Inc. Lenstrum. The fucking Lenstrum?
“Is there a problem, Fayette?”
My eyes shot up. Did I miss something? I assumed because their name was Carmelo that their enterprise was all they went under, but how stupid could I have been? Or more, how distracted had I been?
Too much. So much that Aimon’s role in my eyes had just gotten a lot bigger. He was no mere heir to a fortune. He was the heir to the biggest fortune on this side of the globe. And Carmelo Enterprises wasn’t just a company. It was the foundation of probably a lot more businesses than this one. How many did they own? What was I getting myself into?
“No problem.”
Fucking Lenstrum!
I scanned the paperwork, trying to get my mind to stop racing so I could focus. I didn’t have a choice but to get my head in the game. If I was going to continue to be of help, I needed all the brain power I could muster. No way I was wasting any more days lounging in bed. This is Lenstrum—Carmelo. From here on out, I had a job to do. One that encompassed the future of my child. I needed to learn every single aspect that I could.
And I did.
Pages passed. Words blurred. I finished the file, only to start over and read it again. Then, again. I grabbed Master Charles’s calculator, not even worrying if he was using it. I was in the zone. I was completely hellbent on figuring out what was happening. Something definitely was.