Page 56 of The Last Heir
“Fine. Maybe I should have been nicer to your baby’s mamma. I told you I was sorry for that. I was caught off guard. You never mentioned her before. And the Suits, they ticked me off.”
“I think I love her.” My teeth clenched at my whisper.
“Love. That’s some serious stuff. Is she famous or something? What’s up with the dark limo and guards?”
“Alright. Never mind. Do you think she loves you?”
My hand paused. “I don’t know. Sometimes I think there are moments. I can’t be sure. I’m so mad at myself. I should have thought to ask for her number. Or maybe she doesn’t have a phone. I should have figured out a way for us to talk. I hate not being able to communicate with her. It’s all up to her to reach out. Maybe that’s for the best.”
“But you love her?”
“We can’t be together, Jess. Her world doesn’t work like this one.”
“Her world? What do you mean? Because she’s famous?”
“She’s not—” I sat up straighter, my heart exploding in rhythm. “She will be when news gets out. Maybe it already has. The men, they’ll turn into vultures. They’ll.” I swallowed back the bile. I knew that life. You couldn’t trust anyone.
“So, she is famous?”
“She’s an heiress now.” Thunk. “Lady Fayette. She should be my lady. Mine.” Again, I stopped, and again my pulse skyrocketed. “Marriage. Of course. My grandfather wouldn’t deny her marriage to me if I asked him. She’d be the true Carmelo heiress then.”
“Carmelo…like you? Is she your sister?”
“What?” I’d been more talking to myself. I finally looked up seeing Jessica. “No way. I’m an only child. She took my spot because she carries my child. I got banished from my family.”
“Really? Do keep talking. It’s like I’m watching a soap opera.”
She laughed as I rolled my eyes, throwing another jellybean.
“So marriage? Do you want to be married to a woman you can’t be with though? What’s the point?”
“My daughter, for one. She needs my name. In truth, so does Fay. It’ll keep the gold diggers away. If she’s off the market, she’s not having suiters flock to her door at every waking moment. Plus, like I said, I want her. I want her to be mine so bad I can’t stand it.”
“Sounds like you have this all figured out. When will you ask?”
“Soon. Maybe tonight after work. I haven’t decided. I’ll have to ask my grandfather’s permission first. Then, Fay, if he agrees. She may say no. She doesn’t technically need to marry me to continue her course. I mean, she’s the heiress until my daughter is of age, regardless.”
“Sounds complicated. Better you than me. I’ll never get married. There’s too much out there to settle for one person.”
I laughed under my breath. “Until you meet them. Trust me. I thought the same thing. I never wanted kids or a wife. It’s the whole damn reason I’m banished. Now…Fayette and my little girl are all I want. They’re all I think about.”
“I know.”
My eyes scanned the empty showroom. It was a slow day which was surprising. We’d been so busy lately. It was nice having the time to think. It was also torture. Should I call my grandfather? No. Not for marriage. I’d need to go to the estate. I had to face him for a question like that. But would he see me?