Page 67 of The Last Heir
Lou’s hand shot up. “I do. Thank you for the clarification. We’ll set up another meeting. Warden is sending you their best. It’s nice to meet you, Fayette. You both take care.”
I waved, clicking off the camera. My head immediately fell back against the chair. “Aimon…I told you where I stood on marriage.”
“And I took that to heart. I know what you need, but Lou had to be put at ease. He’s a newlywed. This company is his Lucia. He needed to feel secure and relate to who he’s putting his trust in.”
“I see. Well, good. I can’t believe how smoothly it went. Master Charles will be relieved. He really said you could come help?”
“No way. I was supposed to observe and make sure you didn’t get too stressed.”
Aimon winked, helping me stand. “It’s fine. He can take it out on me later, if he wants. Let’s get a snack. I’m hungry.”
“I’m hungrier.”
A laugh filled the office as Aimon led me out. Thomas nodded at our exit, heading off deeper into the house as we made our way towards the kitchen. I was a mix of emotions, none of which I could figure out. My body felt uncomfortable with the new weight and shoes. I was happy; I was sad. I was excited; I was anxious. I was hungry…and that was winning over everything.
“So, what do you feel like eating?”
“Wrong question. It should be, what do you not feel like eating? I could clean this kitchen out. This baby is never satisfied. Did you know the other night I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep because I was so hungry? I snuck downstairs and ate half the container of donuts I know Mrs. Emmy made for me for the next morning. It’s sugar. Lucia loves anything sweet. Cakes, pies, donuts…pastries. Any sort of pastry. I do believe we’re going to have to get a lock installed on the kitchen door to keep me out.”
“We will do no such thing.” Aimon’s arm wrapped around my shoulders, bringing me to his side as we headed into the dining room. When he pulled out a chair, I took a seat. “So, sweet? That’s what you both want?”
“Yes.” My eyes lit up. “Ooh, look for those little cheesecake bites. See if Mrs. Emmy made any more of them. There’s some strawberry dip she makes to go with it. If you don’t see that, there’s these chocolate rolls with really delicious cream in them. I might have already eaten all of them though. So, in that case—”
“Definitely sweet. Got it. You sit back and let me take care of you. I’ve missed enough time. I refuse to miss any more.”
Chapter 22
I recognized the look. After such a wonderful day with Fay, we were getting to the part I knew was coming. The one where I got the boot and was told to get the hell out. My grandfather was only so patient, and I could tell he wasn’t in a good mood. He didn’t even look like he wanted to be in the dining room with us, but for some reason he stuck around.
“So, it went well, then? Warden will sign?
“Yes. He’s contacted the team so they can set up another meeting.” Fayette paused as she looked down at her plate, stabbing some mashed potatoes. “I wanted to say thank you for allowing Aimon to observe. It really helped. It’s the only reason Warden listened.”
Charles grunted. “He took over the meeting is what you mean. I know my grandson. I also know that company was his golden ticket.”
“Am I getting any money? Nope. I did this for Fay.”
“You did it for your ego.”
I bit my tongue, refusing to argue about business. If he wanted to fight, at least I’d give him something worthy to fight about.
“I would like to move in. I want to be close to Fay and my daughter.”
His fork stopped midway. “Move in? Here? Not your own place, but under my roof.”
“Why would I want my old place? Fay’s not there.”
Charles put his fork down, picking up the napkin to wipe his mouth. “Just checking to see if you were trying to weasel your way back in.”
“I’m not. But if you want to talk about this, we can. First of all, I made you hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars. I say you, but let’s be honest, I wasn’t working for free. My penthouse should be mine. I worked and paid for it. The cars, all six of them, mine. The yacht, also mine. I walked away from it without a fight, despite it’s all in my name. I technically own those, just so you know. Will I fight you for them, no. I’m over that stuff. I just want to be here with Fay.”
“Then they’re a gift to me for your rent. Is that what you’re saying?”
“Jesus. Yes, if that’s what you want. But…I have my own terms. If I hand them over, I get to attend Fay’s meetings from here on out. Not to interfere. I just want to make sure she’s not under too much pressure. Also, there is no time limit on how long I can stay. You can’t have a bad day and kick me out. I’m here for the long run. For Fay and Lucia.” I paused. “And for you, if you need me.”