Page 42 of The Hotel Manager
“Nah.” He waves me off like it’s no big deal. “Retirement is overrated.”
“All right, what’s the game plan?” Griffin asks.
“If we can’t find anything out using the system, we have to go old-school on those fools.” Dallas seems way too excited about this. “Whoever it is, they know how to stay off the grid, not to leave a paper trail or come up in any database. The phone numbers we do have are all untraceable.”
“We have to set a trap,” Griffin suggests.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” Dallas agrees. “We know they’re trying to get to you, and they are not above using civilians to do so. They don’t care about casualties either. We use that knowledge to our advantage. Set a trap and get those assholes.”
We all agree and start brainstorming immediately. Once we have a couple of plans set, Natalie, Tank, and Griffin clear out, giving me a minute alone with Dallas.
“I heard you left the hotel earlier.”
“Yes, it ended in an explosion and a run-in with the cops.”
“Sounds like my kind of party.”
We both chuckle. There was a time when explosions and life-and-death situations were the norm. Dallas always did enjoy working more than me.
We get up from our chairs, and I slap my hand on Dallas’s shoulder. “Glad to have you back.”
“Glad to be home. Don’t worry about those fuckers. We’ll get them,” he promises. “Now, tell me about the girl in your room.”
“Her name is Teagan.” Dallas’s eyebrows raise at the defensive tone in my voice.” I clear my throat. “And there’s not much to tell. I’m just letting her stay here until this is resolved.”
“All right, buddy, whatever you say.” He grins at me before walking out of the room.
I follow him into the hallway, giving him a final goodbye as he steps into the elevator.
After he’s gone, I head straight back to my bedroom. I open the door, and my gaze falls onto the now-empty bed. The only proof she was here is the open first-aid kit on the mattress.
Fucking Christ.
Did she really sneak out again?
I’m about to turn around and search the apartment when I see the bathroom door opening in my peripheral vision.
Teagan comes into view, wearing nothing but a fluffy white towel wrapped around her body. Her hair is down, blond locks cascading around her bare shoulders.
Innocently, she leans against the doorframe. “I was just about to take a shower.” She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip like she’s nervous about saying the next part. “I’ve noticed there are two showerheads. Would you care to join me?”
My mouth goes so dry I’m scared to answer. I can’t get the words past my throat, but my feet carry me across the room until I’m only inches away from her. Lifting my arm, I brush her hair off her shoulder, drawing a shiver out of her.
Teagan’s chest rises and falls quickly. I’m sure her heart races as fast as mine. She tilts her head up, and our eyes connect. There is a fire in her baby blues I haven’t seen before. Lifting my hand higher, I cup her face, running my thumb along her jaw.
Closing her eyes, she leans her face into my hand, and I take that moment to press my lips against hers. Teagan places her hands on my chest, and for a split second, I think she is going to push me away. Instead, her slender arms snake around my neck to pull me closer to deepen the kiss.
Her lips part slightly, and I mirror the motion, letting our tongues meet. She tastes like mint and something forbidden. If it’s a sin to kiss her, then call me a sinner.
She moans into my mouth and pulls me even closer, pushing her breasts flush against my chest. I wrap my arms around her back before letting my hands run down the length of the towel until I feel her smooth skin against my fingers.
Holding on to her firm globes, I lift her. She squeals but wraps her legs around my torso. I groan when her hot center presses against my groin. Knowing not much is between us now has my dick pressing against my slacks, begging to be freed.
I carry Teagan into the bathroom and set her on the sink before breaking the kiss to let us both come up for air.
She smiles at me sweetly. “I’m taking that as a yes.”
“I’ve never had a chance to take advantage of the dual showerhead,” I admit as Teagan starts unbuttoning my shirt.