Page 43 of Christmas of Love
“And staying at your house? Mom and Dad ought to get a rise out of this one when they show up tonight.”
Daisy beamed at me, completely amused.
“Anyway, I’m calling because I got a message from Brielle.”
I groaned into the phone, and Evie laughed. “I felt the same way, but she said she really needed to talk with you and that she’d left you a message already.”
“Yeah.” I glanced at Daisy, who craned her neck forward. “But that’s how she always worked her way back in, so I just ignored the call.”
Evie sighed into the phone. “You know I’m not Team Brielle by any means, but her voice sounded… strained, different.”
I hadn’t even listened to the message. “Okay. I’ll deal with it.”
“As long as I don’t have to talk to her,” Evie nearly sang into the phone. “And by the way, is it Daisy at your house?”
I shook my head. “Unbelievable.”
“Tell her hi.”
“Hi, Evie,” Daisy chimed in.
“I hope to see you when I’m in town at Christmas,” Evie told Daisy as if I no longer existed.
“That would be great. I’m only in Madison for two weeks until everything’s fixed at Styx.”
“Yeah. I heard about that. I’m so glad everyone made it out okay.”
Of course, she’d heard about it.
“You knew Daisy was here the whole time?” I asked my sister.
“You actually had to ask me that? Do you really think Mom and Dad were dying to drive two hours to watch The Nutcracker when the community center puts on their own every year?”
“How do they know?” I chuckled, shaking my head. “And why do they think they need to be here?”
“Didn’t you say you had something special happening on Sunday?” Evie continued. “Maybe they figured if you want Daisy there, then she must be special. Ergo, they ought to be involved, too.”
Daisy couldn’t keep the grin off her face as I slumped in the chair.
“There are no secrets in Buttercup Lake,” I muttered, and my sister giggled.
“And I don’t even live there,” Evie added.
“For the record, Evie. Daisy and I are strictly friends. Platonic.”
“Lots of boundaries,” Daisy added over the phone.
Evie chuckled. “Whatever the kids are calling it nowadays. Just make sure to take care of the Brielle call. I don’t want to be afraid it’s her every time the phone rings.”
“I know the feeling, but I’ll get it figured out.” Just the thought of having to call her made me grumpy. This had been how she'd always wormed her way back into a relationship with me.
But I was done.
“Love ya, Hunt.”
And just like that, Evie hung up the phone while Daisy stared at me in disbelief.
Daisy chuckled, holding onto the table. “I feel like I just experienced a Category Three hurricane.”