Page 91 of Christmas of Love
“It’s a small world,” Daisy said, “But hey, it’s always good to have a friend in the neighborhood.”
Brielle’s eyes softened. “Friend, huh? I’d like that.”
I glanced at my phone and brought my gaze to Brielle’s. “So, where are Tate and Nick?”
“Well, our designer screwed up, and I had to go hunt down Tate’s crib in Portage at some distribution center so that when they got here tonight, he’d have a place to sleep.”
“Ah, I got it.” I chuckled. Imagine if poor Tate had to sleep on a normal crib like at my house. “Well, at least you found it.”
Daisy’s doorbell rang, and she hopped up to answer it.
Immediately, Millie’s voice rang through the air.
“Dagnabbit. I didn’t want to believe it, but the horrendous rumors must be true.” Millie shook her head, pointing over her shoulder. “There’s even a moving truck.”
Daisy was shaking her head and waving her hands, trying to warn Millie, but she was on a roll. “You hold your man tight because it sounds like Miss Hollywood is back in town. And she’s moving across from you, no doubt. What are the odds?”
Daisy turned around to beg me for help. Her cheeks flushed a lovely shade of peach.
“Umm, now’s not a good time, Millie,” she tried again.
“Oh, hogwash. Hey, Hunter.” Millie’s eyes bounced from Hunter to Brielle, and she flinched from the recognition.
Brielle smiled and nodded. “At least it’s out in the open.”
Millie eyed Brielle before bringing her gaze back to Daisy.
“You know what they say,” she whispered, elbowing me. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Good play, Daisy. Good play.”
“It isn’t quite like that, Millie.” Daisy looked mortified, but the truth hurt. If Brielle had been kinder to the people of Buttercup Lake, Millie wouldn’t have been so protective of Daisy.
But Brielle picked on every single thing that most of us adored about our small town.
Daisy cleared her throat. “Would you like to come in for some cookies?”
“No, I’ve made enough of a mess of things, dear. You have fun tonight, and just remember, snakes slither until they attack.”
“Okay there, Millie. You’re just a fountain full of great advice.” Daisy gave Millie a hug before she trundled out of the house.
Brielle laughed nervously, shaking her head. “I have a lot of making up to do, it seems.”
Daisy shrugged. “I think if you let yourself enjoy the little things, you’ll really fall in love with this place, and it will show. Just be kind, really.”
“I tend to enjoy sarcasm and cynicism, but I’ll try my best.” She laughed, looking around Daisy’s home.
Brielle’s phone buzzed, and she glanced down. “Movers have placed the furniture. I should go over and make sure they didn’t screw it up.”
Daisy traded a glance with me, and I hid a smile as Brielle made her way to the door. “I’ll call you tonight as soon as Nick gets in.”
I nodded as Brielle left Daisy’s home and shut the door behind her.
Daisy let out a grunt and leaned back against the door. “That could have gone so poorly. Other than Millie, things went great.”
I chuckled. “Can’t really blame her, though.”
Daisy pushed herself from the door and groaned. “I honestly can’t believe that Brielle is moving in across the street.”
“Surprise,” I teased.