Page 93 of Christmas of Love
Amid the laughter and chattering, I beelined over to her.
She gave me a quick hug and shook her head. “I’m dying to meet Tate. What about you?”
I nodded. “Tonight’s the night.”
“So, what time do we dash out of here?” Her eyes sparkled with the same excitement I felt.
“Hunter said that Brielle and Nick were coming over to his house with Amy and Tate at seven o’clock.”
She squeezed my arms and smiled. “Perfect. That gives me time to go home and freshen up. I’ve spent all day shopping for my grandson.”
I smiled, nodding. “You sound like Hunter.”
Being surrounded by friends, good food, and the magic of the holiday season made me realize that Hunter was right. In order to embrace the new memories and good times, I had to make peace with the old ones. It was a process, but with every step forward, I felt lighter and brighter.
And I felt hope.
I looked around the cozy winter wonderland as ladies bonded by friendships, stories, and laughter made the world a better place. And maybe, one day, I could even trick Brielle into getting into the fold.
Until then, I knew what my new plan was going to be. I just had to wait until the right time to bring it up.
I followed Maya, Nina, and Millie to the food line, picking up a plate and piling it high with salads, wings, quiche, and more before sitting on a chair next to the tree. Hunter’s mom sat next to me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I absolutely love surprises.” She flashed a wry grin.
“So, Hunter redeemed himself,” Millie said, taking a seat next to the table of desserts.
Hunter’s mom smiled and shook her head. “He never needed to.”
“True story,” I said, chuckling. “He’s an incredible man.”
The book club members hushed as all eyes fell on me. I felt my cheeks warm under their gazes. “It’s true, and I always knew it.”
“I hate to ask, and since his mom’s here, it’s not like I’m doing it behind anyone’s back, but…” Millie eyed me. “What was he doing at a hotel with Brielle?”
Hunter’s mom slid her hand to mine and squeezed it.
I drew a breath and nodded. “Fair question, and I know it comes from a place of caring for me.”
Maya nodded and glanced at her grandmother. “Absolutely.”
“But you didn’t answer my question, dear,” Millie said softly, and I realized she cared fiercely for the women she matched.
Hunter’s mom nodded.
I drew a breath. “He was meeting his son.”
The room quieted as everyone’s gazes dropped to their plates of food.
“It’s true,” Hunter’s mom confirmed. “I’m an extremely happy grandmother.”
Without missing a beat, Millie sprang from her chair, dumping her plate of food on the floor, and clapped her hands. “Now that makes perfect sense.”
“It does?” I cocked my head.
I’d had a lot of reactions, but that wasn’t one of them when I found out.
“This is incredible news.” Millie lit up the room as she came over, hugged Hunter’s mom, and glanced at me. “And you’re going to make the best stepmom.”