Page 12 of Wilds of the Heart
“No need to rush.” Lydia shook her head. “Those two tickets are reserved for the front row.”
My heart jumped as I looked at Lucas in surprise. “Wow. Thank you. I didn’t even know you could get tickets like that.”
Whoever you may be.
“My pleasure. It’s a perk of the business. I usually don’t come to my clients’ readings when they’re seasoned vets likeCharles, but I wanted to catch up with Clara and the gang. I’m having drinks with them later.”
She reached out and squeezed Lucas’s arm. “You should come.”
“I have plans, but thanks.” Lucas’s lips pressed into a thin line.
“No, you should go.” I nodded, glancing at Lydia. “Really. How often is the gang all together?” I tried to hold in a chuckle as I thought about the one and only thing that I knew from Lucas’s high school years.
He hated that period of his life.
And I’d certainly never heard of any gang he loved to be a part of from then.
“Clara would just die if you showed up.” Lydia’s head bounced up and down.
Lucas shook his head and touched my shoulder, slowly moving his hand down my spine. An unexpected delight shot through me as I felt a little push toward the seating area.
“Not tonight, Lydia. But I appreciate the invite.”
She let out a dramatic sigh and rolled her eyes. “I hope you don’t mind, but I gave Clara your number.”
Lucas stopped moving, and his eyes snapped to Lydia’s. “Lydia, I appreciate the tickets. I do, but I’ve moved on from high school.”
“I—” Lydia snapped her mouth closed and nodded. “Sorry, I just… they say time heals all. I just assumed you’d gotten over it.”
I eyed Lucas as I felt the gentle pressure of his fingertips on my back.
The carefree, fun-loving friend had been replaced with a guy who desperately wanted to get out of this situation, and that was what friends were for.
“Thanks again for the tickets,” I told Lydia, looping my fingers with Lucas’s as we started toward the seats. We fell in step together as we moved deeper into the bookstore.
“As usual, books save the day,” I whispered.
When we were far enough away, I spun around to look at him. “But what in the world was that? And why don’t you just go hang out with them?”
Lucas smiled as we took a seat in the front row.
“It’s a bit more complicated than that.”
I slid my backpack under the seat and held my book on my lap as I inhaled the amazing scent of freshly printed books. Large posters dangled in front of us as I eagerly waited for the author’s appearance.
But I couldn’t help but wonder what made Lucas so squirmy a few minutes ago. I snuck a look at him, and he was staring straight ahead at the empty chair reserved for the author.
“You okay? We can take off if you want.”
Lucas looked at me and smiled. “No way. This is too important.”
“You sure?” I pointed over my shoulder. “Because whatever just happened back there kind of stole your mojo.”
His brows quirked up, and I saw the familiar, relaxed smile return to his expression. “Mojo?”
“What? Like it’s a surprise? Mojo usually just oozes from you.”
Lucas let out a deep breath and shook his head. “You always know how to make me feel better.”