Page 19 of Wilds of the Heart
And tonight, they could go very wrong.
Emily’s phone buzzed, and she groaned. “There had better not be an antique emergency.”
She pulled it out of her backpack, and her expression fell.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, feeling my pulse quicken.
“It’s my Mimi.”
Her grandmother on her dad’s side, if I remembered correctly.
“What about her? Is she okay?”
Emily looked dazed as she brought her eyes to mine. “She’s coming out of surgery. She fell down at her house and needed hip surgery. There’s no way my grandpa can take care of her by himself.”
“Don’t they live here in Seattle?” I asked, seeing the agony wash over Emily’s features.
She nodded, texting back. “Yeah. My mom and sister are driving off the ferry now. My dad is stuck with customers at the store. They’re going to swing by and pick me up to go visit her.” She looked up at me. “If that’s okay?”
My stomach clenched. “Of course, it’s okay. Why don’t you just let me take you? I’ll drive you.”
She shook her head slowly. “No. I couldn’t ask you to do that, and they’re already on their way. Mimi is at one of the hospitals on Pill Hill.”
“I really don’t mind. I’d actually feel better if you let me.”
And then I heard her.
Clara’s voice bounced off the walls like a ricocheting ball that wouldn’t stop.
“Is that you, Lucas Edwards? Lucas? Lucas?” A brief pause. “Lucas.”
Emily’s gaze caught mine, and she smiled, stuffing her phone into her backpack.
“See? You wouldn’t want to miss out on this fun, would you?” She chuckled and gave me a sympathetic smile. “She can have my prawns and linguini.”
I dragged my eyes from Emily to see Clara.
It was like time stood still, and not in a good way.
Pieces of Clara’s blonde hair curled along her jaw from the messy bob she wore, just like in high school. Her brown eyes locked on mine as her smile grew. She opened up her arms as she made her way over, and it felt like my worst nightmare unfolding right in front of me.
“Don’t just stare at her,” Emily whispered. “Stand up and hug her. You know she’s coming in for it one way or another.”
I frowned and shot Emily a look, but she motioned me with her hands to do something.
Emily really had friend-zoned me.
Placing my napkin on the chair next to me, I stood and swept a fake smile across my features as Clara stepped closer.
Clara beamed. “Don’t be shy. Come on, Lucas.”
“Go on, Lucas,” Emily teased as she pulled out her phone from the backpack.
Before I had a chance to escape, Clara wrapped her arms around my neck. “It’s so good to see you, Lucas. When Lydia said she ran into you, I hoped I’d be that lucky too.”
She took a step back, and I looked at her, knowing that I should be feeling something.