Page 35 of Wilds of the Heart
“I realized I'd better sort my pantry and toss the stuff that’s out of date. When it’s just me, I know better than to eat the four-year-old oat bran, but Mimi and Grandpa probably wouldn’t check the dates.”
I picked up some Cheerios and rattled the box. “Why don’t they move?”
Her cheeks blushed, and she grabbed the box back. “Because it’s one solid mass. Apparently, the ocean humidity doesn’t do great things year after year.” She flipped the lid down on the box. “Because this cereal is from… three years ago.”
“I had no idea you had this dirty little secret about you.” I glanced down at the table of candy. “I’m guessing I shouldn’t trust the gummy worms?”
She shrugged and laughed. “Meh. I have better things to do with my time, like read or dream about seeing the world.”
I scooted out a chair and took a seat. “I thought you loved it here.”
Emily nodded. “I do, but I’d love to travel and experience new places and things as long as I have Marigold to come home to.”
“I get that.” She walked over to the counter and reached for a mug in her cupboard.
“Want any coffee?”
She poured me a cup and stared at me over the rim of hers as she drank. Setting it down, she leaned against the counter and crossed her arms.
The jeans showed off her curvy body, and I had to rip my eyes away to remember that I couldn’t go there.
“Umm… what you wanted to talk to me about… is it bad?” The tenderness in her voice tore me apart.
“No, not at all.” I shook my head, and she pushed herself away from the counter. “I just…”
Her lips quirked into a smile, but I saw worry reflected behind her gaze. “Is it about Clara?”
I frowned and stood. “No way.” I shook my head. “Not even.”
I caught her letting out a silent breath and nodded. “Emily, I really don’t have any interest there with her, and I told her as much.”
Her eyes widened. “You did?”
“Yeah.” I nodded. “She was coming on kind of strong, and I just didn’t want to lead her on. I don’t know. Maybe the old me would have jumped at the chance for old time’s sake, but there’s too much there that I just don’t like. She was really selfish back in high school, and I doubt much has changed.”
“Are you saying people can’t change their ways?” she asked, setting her cup down on the counter.
I had. The moment I met Emily, I knew I didn’t care about going out with any other woman again.
But she wouldn’t believe it.
Letting out a sigh, my eyes stayed on her. “No, I’m not saying that.”
She chuckled, and her head flew back slightly as she smiled. “Except for maybe you. I can’t imagine you settling down.”
“Maybe you’re wrong.”
She blinked a couple of times and shook her head. “No. I don’t know of one weekend that you haven’t gone out with someone, and that doesn’t count the weeknights. It’s in your blood. You don’t want to miss out on the next best thing, and it’s okay. Not everyone is the settling down type.”
I never should have pretended to be going on dates when I was actually babysitting Henry. I thought it would be funny the first few times, and then I’d tell her my secret. But every time I’d decided to tell her how I felt, she’d make some snappy remark about my not being boyfriend material.
“And what about you? Do you want to settle down?” I asked, standing from the chair and polishing off my coffee.
Emily turned to the fridge and pulled out two peach sparkling waters. One of the many things we’d bonded over this year. She handed me one and took a sip of hers.
“Absolutely. Once God puts a great guy on my porch with a bow on his head, I’m ready.”