Page 88 of Wilds of the Heart
He nodded. “I know. It’s time to go.”
I grinned, pulling my carry-on. “It is.”
“And remember, I’ll fly anything you need out there.”
I chuckled. “Maybe that’s why I’m only taking a carry-on, so you have to fly out multiple times to bring me stuff.”
Lucas laughed, and I tried to record the sound into my memory as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and kind of leaned sideways with a grimace.
“I love you, Emily. Go show them how poetry is written. Let ’em have it, and don’t let any of those ivory tower people make you doubt yourself.” He licked his bottom lip, and I pulled him in again for another kiss, feeling his tongue stroke mine with a raw need that we both craved.
I forced myself to stop kissing him and smiled. “Love you. I’ll text you when I land.”
Lucas nodded and turned around, walking toward my family.
If he hadn’t, we’d still be standing there, not letting go.
I gave a last wave to my family and started toward the security checkpoint with my ticket and license out.
By the time I got to my gate, the flight was already boarding, which was good because I couldn’t talk myself out of getting on the plane.
And every cell in my body was instructing me to turn around and run.
But I couldn’t let fear guide me.
Mimi’s words floated through my head, and I knew I needed to do this for both of my grandmas.
As I walked my way down the skybridge to the plane, my pulse raced with uncertainty.
Who did I think I was, going to Tennessee to study poetry? To teach poetry?
I quickly found my seat, shoved my suitcase in the bin, and slumped down in the seat, suddenly doubting everything about me and my poetry. The passenger sitting next to me buckled in and took out a laptop as I stared at my phone and the first line of the poem that got me here.
Sometimes, my heart has to scream until I finally hear the whispers, and that whisper led me to you.
I slid the tray down and set my phone down as I stared out the window.
A knot formed in my belly. I already missed my family.
My house.
I even missed Oscar.
Lucas was headed back to the island to babysit Henry tonight while Amelia and James stayed in the city for a date night.
I was already missing out on so much life, a life I loved.
Swallowing down a lump in my throat, I forced the tears away right when the woman sitting next to me cleared her throat.
“I’m sorry. I know I just violated every single social and airline etiquette scenario out there, but I saw that line on your phone, and it’s beautiful.”
Embarrassment flashed through me as my eyes connected with hers. “Thank you.”
“Did you write it?” she asked.
I nodded, staring down at the sentence.