Page 35 of Cursed Shadows
Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Purple. Black.
Leila tucks her chin against her chest and rushes from the center platform, taking a seat on one of the green rows with her arms folded over her chest.
One by one, we’re called out, and one by one, we’re assigned a color.
Eldon creates a ball of fire in the palm of his hand and is assigned a seat with Leila in the green section. Brax reluctantly goes to the center of the platform, turns half gargoyle, and is directed to the blue section, while Zane is placed in the yellow seats. When my name is called, I hate leaving Raven, but I know it will cause more of a scene than is necessary to stay, so I head to the center and face my father.
“Creed Wylder, your magic,” Erikel orders, waving a hand toward my father with a grin on his face.
Nodding, I contemplate what to do, as I have the entire time I’ve been watching. Everybody else who has mind-based magic has frowned at him in concentration before advising Erikel of their abilities not working, which means I’m unlikely to be able to bring him to his knees screaming in pain. Which leaves me with few options.
I focus on him still, his dark eyes boring into mine as I stare him down. You can always feel the blockers and defensive techniques someone may be using as if they’re untouchable, and as I thread my magic in his direction, I feel the walls instantly.
His eyes furrow at the first tap against his walls, and I let my magic dance along the blocker between us for a few moments, knowing I won’t be able to get inside, but I want to be sure. AsI’m ready to retreat and declare my abilities like the others, the barrier cracks, the smallest slither opening for me to pry inside.
Instead of infiltrating his mind with anger and pain, a small whisper lures me closer. Searching his eyes, I try to piece together the murmur, but it’s too difficult, so I close my eyes, hoping to focus a little more.
“I love you, son. I love you, son. I love you, son.”
I stumble back, my heart racing in my chest as the chant continues to echo in my mind.
“Well?” Erikel grunts, tearing my gaze from my father’s, who remains as placid as ever before me, like those words aren’t swirling around in his mind.
“Uh, I control mind magic,” I ramble, sure my chest is going to shatter as the words in his mind continue to consume me.
“Join the purple section,” Erikel orders, turning away from me without a backward glance, and it takes me a second to gather myself enough to take a steady step.
I join the purple section, and search out Raven the second I take my seat. I can see the concern on her face as she stares at me, but I don’t even know what to say. Not that she can hear me from here.
Maybe now I might have a few moments to get my shit together so I can explain, but it seems Erikel has other ideas.
“That seems to be everyone except Raven. Who gets to fill the only seat in the black section,” he announces, waving a hand for her to move to the black section.
She purses her lips but does as he says, and I notice that he’s organized us into the seven categories of magic. Nature-based, divination, conjuring, psychic, medics, shifters, and necromancy.
Surely, our groups were already listed down somewhere since we’ve been divided like this before, but again, this is another power play on his behalf.
“Now, if your name is called out, you are to follow Roma,” Erikel states, not missing a single beat before he starts calling out names. None of it matters to me, I’m locked on my father’s words until the next words from his lips makes me pause. “Creed Wylder.”
My breath lodges in my throat and I gape in horror as Creed rises from his seat, following after the others who have been called out. I thought my name was going to be called instead of the others, so the fact that Creed is walking away has me panicked.
“The rest of you are dismissed,” Erikel declares before moving to follow after them.
The rest of the students murmur inquisitively among themselves, but I’m up on my feet and rushing toward the end of my row to get to Creed.
“What the fuck is going on?” Zane asks as he suddenly appears at my side, but I don’t slow down.
“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out,” I state, turning up the stairs. “Creed,” I holler, but he doesn’t stop. Erikel, on the other hand, turns to me with a glare.
“Did I call your name, Raven?” he sneers, the scar down his face looking redder than ever.
“No, but I want to know where you’re taking him,” I demand, coming to a stop in front of him, but he shakes his head dismissively and looks over my head.
“Warrior, follow after them. I’ll be along in a moment.” The telltale sound of the golden warrior’s armor clanging echoes in my ears, getting louder as he gets closer, but I keep my gaze focused on Erikel instead of turning to look at him approaching.