Page 12 of Sonata of Lies
This totally normal, totally mundane, just-like-every-other day.
It’s just not as easy to do when my legs are still a little wobbly from last night.
I figured I was doing Dem a favor when I woke up this morning and decided to untangle myself from his limbs, let him sleep in, and go get Willow ready for school. For one, he definitely needed the sleep.
For another… I don’t know if he remembers what he whispered to me while he… ah…
How does that saying go?
Rode me hard and put me away wet.
I know the meaning is entirely different, but I can’t honestly think of another way to describe it. One moment, Demyen hadme pinned to a wall, pissed as hell, demanding answers after he caught me sneaking off the compound.
The next minute, he had me pinned to his bed, giving me exactly what I’ve needed for…
Well, ever since that one time in the laundry room.
The fact that it was too dark to see him only heightened the whole experience. I never knew how mind-blowing sex could be with a man like him. Or any man. At all. But Demyen took my body to whole new heights of pleasure. I’m still shivering.
And the fullness.Fuck. I still feel so… so…full.
In my body, yes. That’s an obvious one. But in my heart as well, from the sweet nothings he breathed along my skin to the way I woke up completely wrapped in his arms, his face practically buried in my chest, his soft snores rumbling between us. And when I started to pull away and he instinctively tried to tuck me back into him…
God help me, I was so tempted to stay. I wanted so much to stay in his arms and watch the sunlight dance over his face. I wanted to be the first thing he saw when he woke up—and, maybe, the first thing he tasted before starting the day together.
But then I remembered myself.
And I remembered how quickly Demyen can change his mind on things. Like me.
So I pulled myself away, quietly got dressed, and snuck out of his room.
Bambi offered to take Willow to school. She immediately jumped with glee and made it impossible for me to say no.Not that I have any problems with Bambi taking my daughter anywhere; I know I can trust her.
I was just really hoping to have that excuse to get away from Demyen for a while.
I’ll just… start cleaning, I guess.
I should have known better than to start my rounds with the kitchen. I usually do, but if I’m to successfully avoid Demyen and the awkwardness sure to hang between us, that’s the last place I should be.
Autopilot is a bitch, though. And it has me wiping down counters and checking inventory in the kitchen right around the same time Demyen emerges from his room and shuffles in for his morning coffee.
He’s so deliciously disheveled. I’m actually glad it’s just us; I’m not sure how I’d feel if any of the other women were around to see the way his hair is sticking out in all directions, partly from sleep but mostly from my fingers. Or the way his bare chest and back still bear the faint pink lines from my nails dragging over his skin.
I busy myself with scrubbing a nonexistent stain off one of the breakfast nooks so he doesn’t have to see my blushing face.
“Morning.” Demyen’s voice is low and groggy.
“Good morning.” I try not to sound too chipper. Like a woman who had her back blown out in the best way possible.
He shuffles around the kitchen until he finds one of his favorite coffee mugs. He sets it on the counter, then shuffles over to the coffee maker and points at it. “Is this fresh?”
“Yeah. I made it about half an hour ago.”
Demyen nods and slowly pours himself a cup of coffee. He usually takes his with two sugars and an ungodly amount of creamer, so I subtly slide the sugar bowl down the counter to him and duck into the fridge for the bottle of creamer.
“Nuh-uh.” He mumbles behind me. “The other one.”
“The other one” happens to be a bottle of imported Irish cream. Sure, technically, it’s creamy, but it’s alsoliquor. At nine o’clock in the morning.