Page 34 of Sonata of Lies
I rub the bridge of my nose. “I need to know if we can access any name change records in Hawaii roughly two to three years after Helen Cooper left the medical examiner’s office in Vegas.”
“Sure thing. What are we looking for?”
“I need to know if she changed her name, her identity, her hair color while she was living in Hawaii. Pull court records, find passport copies, anything.”
“On it. Anything else?”
Make her magically appear in front of me.“Let’s start there. It’s something. But get it as soon as possible. I can’t be here too long.”
“Got it.”
When we hang up, the first thing I check is the camera feed from the villa. Again, I have to wait a few heartstopping moments before Clara and Willow appear. It looks like they got the wardrobe issue figured out and are now reading books on the back porch overlooking the ocean.
I check my watch. It’s just after noon.
Fuck this. I’m not going to run around chasing dead ends until I hear back from Pavel. And my nerves are damn near shot from constantly wondering where the girls are, what they’re up to, will they still be there when I get back.
Which… is a problem.
I should be hitting the pavement and hunting through every inch of Suva until I find the former Helen Cooper.
I should be bribing half the police force and bitchslapping belligerent desk clerks into obedience.
I shouldnotbe running up the dock to the villa, burning with the need to see Clara and Willow.
I just need to know they’re safe. That they’re here and they’re safe.
As much as I hate admitting even to myself, Martin fucked shit up for us. I was so certain I had that school on an ironclad lockdown, but he still managed to kidnap Willow. And now, with Clara confessing her deepest fears, those fears have quickly become my own.
That Martin will take Willow when we least expect it.
And that Clara will go back to him, just to keep her baby safe.
The silence in the foyer is unsettling. But it’s a big place, I remind myself, so before I start panicking, I quickly check the family room, the living room, the dining room… the kitchen…
No. Fuck… no…
I’m about to grab a gun from one of my stashes when I hear a familiar giggle carry into the kitchen. One of the housekeepers opens the patio door leading to the pool and Willow’s voice grows louder. When the door shuts, it quiets.
Oh, thank God.Now, just be cool. Calm. Aloof.
I’m back, and they’re here. I might as well get some work done and just… keep an eye on them. From a safe distance.
Like the deck. Which is where I set up my mobile office after quickly changing out of my suit for more casual boardshorts and a tank top.
“Demmy!” Willow waves to me from where she’s sitting in the grass with Clara. It looks like they had a picnic lunch outside and decided to soak up the sunlight and cloudless blue sky on their blanket.
I smile and wave back. Iamgoing to get some work done. There’s a whole spreadsheet of imports I need to review, and Ineed to start looking at the calendar to schedule a new appeal for Tolya. Plus, it’s almost time to review the household budget, and I want to see about giving Gloria a raise…
But my thoughts trail off the second I see Clara stand. The sunlight makes her dress practically translucent, and the shadow of her figure is mouth-watering. But when she slides the straps over her shoulders and drops the fabric to the ground, I’m damn near close to wheezing.
That… that is a very sexy bikini.
It’s simple and black. But the fabric clings to her perfectly rounded ass just enough to give her coverage while still teasing the absolute fuck out of me, the ties resting on the tops of her hips and flopping around with every motion like they’re begging me to rip them undone.
Willow needs help taking off her own swimsuit coverup dress, so Clara bends over to help peel it over her head.
Fuck.I want to bite that ass so fucking hard.