Page 49 of Sonata of Lies
I roll my hips again, pushing back on him.
“Clara,” he grinds out through clenched teeth.
“Yes, Demyen?” I do it again, and again, leaning over him now, my hands flat on his chest. Even though he’s not allowed to touch me, it doesn’t feel right not touching him. “Yes…yessss…”
Our gazes lock. I’m determined to drive him within an inch of sanity. I squeeze my inner walls around his shaft and revel in the way he growls a string of curses and bucks up into me.
When I suddenly cry out, he grins.
He found a fucking loophole in our little agreement.
His hips start grinding up into me. Slow and firm, deep strokes that I sit back on and grunt with every solid thump of my ass to his hips.Fuck.
But then he starts moving faster. Rolling his hips with mine so his cock rubs at different angles, working me open. Working me closer to another orgasm, faster than before.
“Dem…” I whine.
“Yeah, baby?” He grins and watches my face as I start to lose control. I’m gasping, shuddering, bucking on him for more. More. More.
It’s so close, but I can’t reach it. That wonderful ache deep in my core wants to burst into a flood of pure ecstasy, but it’s missing something to push it over the edge.
“Tell me what you need.”
Everything.“You.” I grunt and shudder as a bolt of pleasure curls my toes. “Fuck. I need you.”
Understanding fills his eyes. And then a wickedly impish grin spreads across his face. “You need me to… what?”
I don’t know!I feel my bottom lip pout, then tremble, as I struggle to figure out what it is I do actually need from him.
“Touch me. Please, God, Demyen…touch me…”
“Oh, thank fucking God.”
Demyen’s hands fly to my hips and pull me onto him with a ferocity I’m not ready for butoh my god yes yes yessssthat’s exactly what I need. I feel his thighs lift behind me, angling me toward him even more, and he pulls me down harder.
But then he’s sitting up. He doesn’t break our rhythm and hell if I know how he manages, but suddenly, his chest is pressed to mine and he’s cradling me to him at the same time he’s bouncing me on his cock.
“I’ve got you, baby,” he pants against my lips. I’m drowning in a sea of kisses, one after another as he caresses my tongue with his and drinks my moans while feeding me his own.
We chase that sweet oblivion. And when we reach it, we do it together—limbs tangled, skin slick, our cries echoing into the night until they’re muffled by our need to taste each other once more.
For a second there, I actually think I’ve died.
Butgoddamn, what a way that’d be to go.
Buried deep inside Clara, clutching her to my body as I feel the warmth of her release and I fill her with my own.
It’s the bed beneath us that assures me I’m very much still alive. I fall back on it, pulling her with me and rolling onto my side to cradle her in my arms as close as humanly possible.
Her beautiful face winces as I slowly ease from her. I honestly don’t know if there’s a single expression she could make that doesn’t make my heart skip an extra beat. Right now, seeing her swollen lips parted with her gasps, flushed cheeks beneath her long, fluttering eyelashes…