Page 82 of Requiem of Sin
“Oh, well, that’s a relief.” Bambi turns off the screen and tucks the tablet under her arm. “We were so concerned about the bruises on her arms and especially her ankle. We almost felt the need to send her to the hospital. But it’s reassuring to know she’s in the safe hands of Las Vegas’ finest.”
Bambi Watkins’s most powerful weapon is her tongue. I’ve seen her make ADAs burst into tears in the courtroom hall after she flayed their cases apart.
And by the look on Patterson’s face, she’s stabbed him through his lies and twisted the knife.
“Where did she go after you spoke with her?” He takes out a small notepad and pen as if he’s actually going to take notes.
I laugh. “How should I know? We offered to call her a cab, even offered to escort her to the hospital for the ankle injury. But she stubbornly refused and went on her way.”
“And how much did she cash out before she… ‘went on her way’?”
The fuck is it to you?“I’d need to pull records for that?—”
“With a warrant.” Bambi cuts me off. “Which you’ll need probable cause for, Detective. And it’s becoming abundantly clear that you have none.”
Patterson turns his focus to her fully now and it’s like something switches off in his mind. His smile fades, his gaze hardens, and every word that comes from his mouth is dripping with disdain. “I know all about your ‘business,’ Mr. Zakrevsky. Business that not even this lap dog bitch of yours can protect you from serving time for. Business that can get her a prison sentence, too.”
Bingo.We’ve found his weak spot.
So I am more than happy to let Bambi take care of him on my behalf. I signal to her with a subtle nod.
“We’re done here, Detective.” She strides into his space, which makes him take several steps back. “Demean me or threaten my client again and you’ll be slapped with defamation charges that will make your head spin. As for Miss Clara, we wish her all the best. If sheisa drug addict, it’s easy to see why.” The way her eyes scan him from head to toe lands that message loud and clear.
“But you?—”
“Will not be insulted and blackmailed by a corrupt cop over baseless accusations and a misplaced hunch. Now, unless you have that warrant, kindly allow us to escort you the fuck off the premises.”
I signal for Pavel to lead a few men out with Patterson, who is desperately struggling to think of a comeback, any excuse to stay,something. But he comes up empty.
He does stop at the doorway to glare at me. “This isn’t over, Zakrevsky. I’ve got eyes on you.”
“I sure hope they’re better eyes than the ones you had on Clara.”
I grin. Then, because I can’t resist the urge, I wink at him.
And that’s when he knows. Iknowhe knows, because he goes beet red in the face and tries to shove through my men.
But Pavel is a brick wall between us. All Patterson manages to do is get himself firmly escorted outside to his car, with Bambi’s reminders to bring warrants next time echoing across the driveway like the law itself kissing him goodbye.
Their voices are muffled as they approach, but what matters to me is that they’re approaching. Will I finally be let out? It feels like an eternity has passed—but, knowing me, it’s probably only been ten minutes. Keeping track of time in solitary confinement is not my strong suit.
“… and if he comes back with an actual warrant?”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.”
“That’s not how?—”
“Meaning we’ll obliterate him anyways, Dem. There’s nothing he can do, short of a SWAT team raiding this place. And should that day come, we’ll already have a plan.”
“That plan better involve keeping the kid far as fuck away from him.”
“And Clara?”