Page 84 of Requiem of Sin
“I don’t know. How much do you want for one of your cars?”
Demyen shoots me a look before he softens and actually, genuinely, chuckles. “Even with your newly padded bank account, my car collection is out of your budget.”
I’m about to ask him whathisplans for Willow are when he surprises me with a heavy sigh.
“Look, Clara.” He leans his arms on his thighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Your ex’s meddling changes things. A lot of things, actually. But mainly, we need to figure out what to do with you.”
“I can’t?—”
“I’m hiring you as one of my maids.” He looks at me. In the moonlight, it’s a little hard to read his expression as thoroughly as I want. But what I can see is… promising? I think? “You’ll get a uniform and a stack of paperwork to file for taxes?—”
“You’re hiring me?” I frown.What’s the catch?“Why?”
“Because the detective is one of many in Las Vegas itching to dig into my operations and find a reason,anyreason, to get a warrant signed and do a full search just to prove their suspicions. I can’t have you here without a justifiable reason.”
I think I understand. “So hiring me…”
“Provides all the necessary paperwork to verify that’s why you’re here. And it will also make it difficult for anyone to remove you, since your employment contract will include room and board.”
I try to force my heart to stop slamming against my ribcage. The last thing I need is for him to hear the excitement thrumming through my veins and suddenly change his mind. “Does this… does this mean I can see my daughter?”
He nods.
The fact that he doesn’t hesitate makes me feel even more hopeful.
Demyen sits up and turns his body to face me. “I’m going to be honest, and I’ll deny it ever happened if you bring it up. But I’m not sure what to do with you. I’m still fucking pissed, and you still fucking owe me.”
I suck in a breath. “But?”
He rolls a shoulder in a half-shrug. “But I’m not sure what kind of punishment could ever be worse than sharing a bed withhim. So, for the time being, you’re safe here. You and your kid. Until I figure out what to do with you.”
I’ll take it. I’ll fucking take it. His promise, his security… even the way he’s looking at me with a softness I’m not used to seeing on his face.
“Thank you,” is all I manage to mutter.
Demyen nods. He looks like he’s about to say something more, but he stops in his tracks when he sees Bambi approaching. And just like that, his boss mask slams back into place.
“They’ve all left,” Bambi informs him. “No one asked any questions; no one straggled behind. Staff is cleaning up now.”
“Good.” He nods once and stands. “Show Clara to one of the guest rooms next to Willow’s new room. Tomorrow, have someone grab her the basics, a few maid uniforms, and whatever else you can think of.”
Bambi glances at me, her brow stitching together. “Sir?”
“Clara is joining the household staff as a maid. See to it her paperwork is filled and filed.”
Realization dawns on Bambi’s face. “Done.” She nods for me to follow her, so I stand and cast one last quick glance at Demyen for permission to leave.
But he’s already walking away.
With a weird squiggly feeling in my stomach, I follow Bambi toward the main courtyard, my heart soaring with the mercy he’s showing by allowing me to stay near my sweet baby.
“You can stay here tonight,” Bambi informs me.
“Great.” I don’t stick around to ask follow-up questions.
I tiptoe over to Willow and carefully roll myself into the hammock with her. It’s just big enough to hold both of us, and after I tuck a warmer blanket around us, I use my good foot to nudge us into a rocking motion.
I don’t want to cry. But as we rock to sleep in each other’s arms, as tears sting my eyes, as I catch glimpses of Willow’s new toys and the life our captor has given her…