Page 123 of Rhapsody of Pain
His voice sounds far away. But when I look up, his face is inches from mine. Bright red and spraying spit whenever he talks.
“I tapped your phone, you stupid bitch. Tracked this car, too. I know you’re the one who turned me in. You think you’re sosmart? You think you can just play me and then run the fuck away?”
He reaches to grab my hair again. This time, however, it’s Princess doing the grabbing—with her teeth clamped firmly down on his arm.
Martin screams.
Princess takes that as her cue to let him go, but she snarls and braces herself in the tight space to defend me until the very end. Every inch of her is coiled and poised to strike.
“Get out! Get out of the fucking car before I shoot your fucking dog!”
I know he will. I also know he’s wasting time because he’s scared how this will look, an officer pulling his gun on a woman with her dog in broad daylight.
It takes a lot of effort to see through the haze now pounding against my skull, but I manage to open the door and stumble out. Martin grabs me and slams me against the side of the car, fondling me in some mock show of a cavity search, then slaps handcuffs on me.
I’m too dizzy to ask what the hell he thinks he’s doing. I can barely keep myself upright as he drags me over to the squad car.
“We had a good thing going, you and me.” Martin shoves me against the trunk of his car and whispers into my ear. “But you just had to go and fuck it up.”
I can hear Princess still in the SUV, losing her absolute mind. She’s barking, snarling, growling, and all but lunging at Martin who is smart to keep himself away from her. He doesn’t bother going back, but he does grab his radio with one hand whilegripping my cuffed hands in the other to tell Dispatch that he found “an abandoned car with a dog inside.”
Mine,I want to scream.It’s my car. My… my dog…
He’s not letting me leave him.
“In a perfect world, Clara, I’d fuck you right here and now.” Martin grabs my ass and squeezes painfully hard. “I’d fuck you so hard over the back of this car whether you wanted to or not. But we don’t have the time and there are too many witnesses.”
He yanks on my hands again and I’m stumbling, reeling, then falling… falling… falling…
The trunk door slams shut.
I’m in the trunk of his squad car. Martin Patterson, once the love of my life and the father of my child, has officially kidnapped me.
God only knows what he’s going to do next.
“She’swhat?” I hold a hand up that Bambi can’t see. My nerves have been shot since we took off from Sochi hours ago, and this is not helping a fucking thing. “Calm down, Bam. What’s going on?”
“Clara is missing!”
I take back what I just said.Do not calm down. Do not calm down at all.
Tolya’s gaze snaps to mine when he hears the shouting clear through the phone. I take a deep breath and force myself to not leap to the most immediate conclusions. “Okay. Okay. How do we know this?”
“For fuck’s sake—I’m at the goddamn school, Demyen! It let out over an hour ago and Clara’s nowhere to be found! They had to call me to come get poor Willow who has not stopped crying?—”
I can hear my baby girl sobbing in the distance. Her little voice hiccups and for a brief moment, Bambi’s voice muffles as shepresumably turns around to ask Willow if she wants to… sounds like something to do with hugs and bears.
“—and Pav just texted me because there’s been a weird call through LVPD dispatch about an abandoned car with a dog?—”
At this point, it makes more sense to put her on speaker so Tolya can listen, too. He frowns and mouths his question to me. “Dog?”
I nod, trying to ignore the nausea building in the pit of my stomach. “Did they pick it up yet?”
Bambi snorts with irritation. “Fuck if I know! Listen, I gotta go deal with Willow and see if Roxy has any ideas on what to do. When are you coming back?”