Page 4 of The Mask of You
Dean sighs again. “I’m honestly not sure when he kicked it up a notch. Definitely after both of us were here in this office.”
I sigh and open the door again. I don’t want to put Dean in the middle, but I might need another IPDIESAC member to do an intervention. But Lance is too well liked for anyone to confront him unless I’ve also put significant skin in the game. For this, I need Kayla.
It’s like Isla has already left. She’s distracted as I watch her jump one more time when she notices me sitting behind my desk. Where I’ve been sitting for hours watching her, but it’s like she really didn’t notice. I think in her head she’s already gone and apparently not feeling any regrets.
I sigh again and watch the new assistant, Kimmy or something, try to set out the meeting materials on the credenza in the correct order. Isla frowns and gently corrects her again. At least I got out of the muffin judging contest. On the grounds that it should be a diverse panel representing all areas of the company, blah, blah, blah. But HR ate it up and promptly formed a committee to choose the panel and I helpfully provided a list of employees, carefully deleting my name first. Problem solved. But it’s not making me feel less grouchy about Isla leaving.
I pick up my desk phone and dial Black’s extension.
“Yo,” he answers, sounding like his attention is elsewhere.
“I’m skipping out on the meeting tonight. Not in the mood,” I inform him curtly and move the handset back to hang up. But there’s no mistaking his squawk of alarm.
“Your attendance is mandatory tonight, Waverly. Be there.” Then he hangs up first, leaving me staring at the phone. Since when is attendance mandatory? What the hell?
I call Dean. “What the fuck is going on with IPDIESAC? Black just told me my attendance was mandatory.”
“Don’t look at me. But if he said it, he must mean it. Maybe he found a new muffin supplier.”
I groan. “No more fucking muffins. I’m done.” My voice must carry because Isla stills, but she doesn’t turn around. In a second, she starts talking quietly to Cammy or Kimmy again.
“Well, I know nothing about it. I’m only going because Paisley is making me.”
That catches my attention. “Why?” I growl. He’d better not be making my baby sister wish he was out of the house.
Dean laughs. “Because she thinks I need to spend time with you, asshole. She’s worried about me maintaining friendships or some bullshit. You can stop by and ask her yourself first if you’d like. She probably won’t be naked that early,” he adds thoughtfully, but really just to bust my balls.
I don’t even have it in me to get upset at what is now almost a vaudeville routine. They got married last weekend, so I’ve lost that ground to stand on. Doesn’t usually stop me, though.
This is Isla’s last day in the office and she wouldn’t let anyone take her out for drinks after. Not me, not her friends. She just said she’d be sure to stop by for the company Christmas Party and see everyone then. I’m useless here, so I might as well head home and give her a few hours’ head start as well. The new assistant has gone back down to her desk wherever that is, so Isla is alone, looking calm and unruffled.
“Go on, Isla. I’m heading out and you’ve done your best. Kimmy and I will muddle through it together on Monday.”
Isla sighs. “Her name is Kimber, Lance. Not Kimmy or Cammy.”
I shrug. I should care, but I don’t. “We’ll sort that out, too. Go on, you’ve got a whole new life to start.”
She stares at me, scanning my face like she’s looking for a missing puzzle piece, then sighs. “Okay, Boss. Thanks, I think.”
I don’t wait for her. Rude, I know, but I’m shit at good byes. Particularly when they involve a woman I love who doesn’t know it and who I’m probably never going to see again. No point in cluing her in about that. She’d just feel bad.
I really hope I’m not deluding myself with this. Lance has been extra grouchy the last few days, but I find it hard to believe that’s about me. Maybe this is all wishful thinking on my part with a generous side of ego because I can’t believe he doesn’t love me the way I love him. It’s certainly a valid theory, although until he said that thing about the muffins being a cover-up, it hadn’t occurred to me that he might have feelings for me. It was only after I went back through my diary and I found the bit where he asked me to bake him muffins that I noticed he started sending me out for muffins on a consistent basis. I couldn’t find a single reference to muffin sourcing before that day. Although it’s not like I’d have written it down until it became a thing.
So I’m still not sure but I think, maybe.
Kayla’s keeping me company in my boring hotel room. At least until nine, because I’ll get my answer at ten or thereabouts. Either Lance will show up at my door or Heath will with the news that I was dead wrong.
I’m crappy at waiting. And Kayla won’t let me get drunk. “You need to be thinking straight, babe. Either way, the time to get drunk is after, but I’d avoid it if you’re going to be driving tomorrow, anyway.”
She’s right, but she did bring one of those super freezer things loaded with fancy ice cream flavors. We’re currently on an orange liqueur with chocolate fudge swirls. Not bad. Not bad at all.
“What if he did feel that way, but now he’s over it?” I muse while sucking on my spoon.