Page 70 of Show biz
“Oh? He finally showed? Man, even I was starting to worry. What’s he have to say for himself?” Mav asks, brow raised.
“He’s been kidnapped by the Irish Mob,” I tell him with a straight face. “I don’t think he made it out of O’Malley’s. I thinkUncle Jordan is okay for now, but a ransom letter was dropped off at the label today.”
“Well, how much do they want?” Atlas asks, crossing his arms over his chest. I stare at his face instead, so that I’m not distracted.
“Me,” I tell him. “Our next stop is in Chicago?—”
“Excuse the fuck out of me,” Mav growls. “Did you just breeze over important information?”
“Why do you even care?” I ask. “I’m letting you know we’re leaving for Chicago bright and early tomorrow, because I have to meet with the man who took my uncle.”
“Who is that man?” Atlas asks darkly, taking a step toward me. I know he won’t hurt me, but I still wish I had my knife. These men are so much bigger than I am, and it’s easy to feel intimidated.
“Seán O’Brien, figurehead of the Mob.” I shrug. “I’m meeting him at his club tomorrow night to talk.”
“You can’t just go and talk to a man like that, Layla. Are you fucking insane? Does Lennon know you’re doing this?” Mav complains.
I hate how he does that. It makes me feel as if I need permission when I most certainly do not.
“Let’s get this shit very straight,” I say softly. “I do not need permission for anything, yes she knows and she supports my decision. Lastly, you’re the reason my uncle is where he is and I am where I’m about to be. Next time you decide to test someone’s mettle, maybe make sure it’s not a goddamned crime family’s business!”
I’m breathing hard as I turn and walk from the room. I do however, notice the glare Draven gives them.
“Come on, you’re seriously on her side with this? This is a suicide mission. She’s literally insane for doing this,” Atlas says, shaking his head.
“It doesn’t matter what I think, because I have her back. We’ll go in with a plan, and figure it out,” Draven says, slowly walking backward out of the room. “It’s well past time the two of you think before you speak, because you may very well become the voice in her head. All you’re doing is making things more difficult, sewing seeds of doubt in her head that could get her killed. Stop fucking talking.”
Mav and Atlas are silent as we walk back out. Draven is right, except they already are the voices in my head. They make me rethink every word I say, worried it sounds dumb. The only time I don’t have them in my head is when I speak with Tyler. The voices that sound like Mav and Atlas quiet down then, and I can be myself.
Hurrying back to our room, a wave of exhaustion hits me.
I’m so tired.
“Don’t think I didn’t see how exhausted you are, lovely,” Draven grumbles. “Off to bed with you, right now. You’re no help to anyone if you pass out tomorrow.”
Tyler lets us into the room, and I nod, a wide yawn almost cracking my jaw. Stumbling into the room, I brush my teeth, use the bathroom, and finish up my bedtime routine.
Tyler is working on the computer, shooting off emails, when I climb into bed. Draven usually gets into bed with us halfway through the night, and I remember Mav’s words about his insomnia. It explains a lot actually.
I don’t want to wait tonight for him to come find his way to my bed. Pouting, I wonder if it would be too weird and forward if I asked him to join us. Would I be considered too demanding?
“I can hear your thoughts from here, Little Flower. Just ask him to come to bed,” Tyler chuckles.
“You know me so well,” I sigh, throwing off the blankets and getting out of bed. Walking across the living room, I stop outside of Draven’s room. “Hey.”
Draven is playing on his phone, and immediately puts it down to look at me. “Are you okay? Do you need something?” he asks. “Please ignore the guys, they just don’t know when to shut their mouths?—”
“Will you come to bed with us?” I interrupt, my anxiety twisting inside of me. “It would just help me sleep better, and… please?”
Draven grins, getting up. “Baby, all you had to do is ask. I’ve been staying up until you’re both asleep before crawling in bed next to you. Being wrapped around your body, hearing you breathe as you sleep, it all helps me sleep and know everything I need is in one room,” he confesses.
“Good,” I tell him simply, holding out my hand. It’s amazing how fast someone can easily fit into your life, and get under your skin. As Draven snuggles next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist and his leg between mine, I slip off into sleep.
It’s six in the morning, and we’re loading up the bus. Tyler is in drill sergeant mode as he gets people to help reload our instruments, making sure we don’t miss anything. We’ve been on the road enough to have our shit together, but it still makes me smirk to watch him.