Page 9 of Show biz
We’ve both leaned into our depravity the last few years. There’s no one to pull us back, no one to tell us no. Jordan sent us off withPull the Moon Downand told us to figure out our shit.
Instead, we decided to stop fucking caring.
Together, we drift in the feel of our high, lips pressed together as the smoke curls around us as it escapes from his nostrils. Slowly, we indulge in a slow kiss, moaning as our tongues tangle together.
Only the bang of the hotel door as it slams against the wall makes me glance up. Draven, our other disgraced band member, walks in with boxes of pizza, eyes raised.
“Unless you’re planning to fuck each other out here and let me watch, you may want to cool that shit out. Maybe share your weed with me too?” he suggests as he closes the door behind himself.
I roll my eyes. I know I’ll be hungry soon, and pizza really does sound delicious.
“You always joke about it, but I don’t think you could handle watching Mav and I fuck,” I chuckle darkly. Mav doesn’t move, watching our exchange with detachment.
I’ve been smoking most of the day, while that was Mav’s first real hit today. He’s going to be adorable and super mellow for a bit.
“We could be anywhere, and while the pizza is decent and the drinks are good, why Vermont?” Draven asks with a sigh.
“For the reasons you stated and because it’s easy to disappear here,” I explain. “We also needed to give the label a base of operations where we’d be for a bit. We’re supposed to be meeting that chick tonight, remember?”
“Ugh, the cunt babysitter,” Draven groans. “Lyrica, how could you do this to us!”
Did I mention that he’s psychotic as well as dramatic?
Snorting, I shake my head, handing him my blunt. There’s not much left, and it’ll help take the edge off his crazy. “We don’t have veto power, but the chick we’re meeting does. No one else will take us unless we’re willing to break our contracts withMusic Horde Records.”
“I would much rather stick my dick in a hole filled with rusty nails than cross Jordan Miles or any of the execs over there,” Draven snorts. A little graphic, but same. “Music Hordehas always been good to me, we can meet the wench and see if she’s any good as a performer.”
Draven is British, and actually dated Lyrica off and on while we toured. I’ve managed to get used to his odd sort of charm over the years.
“I don’t want to stick my dick in any hole yours is in, for the record,” Mav says, grimacing. Pressing my lips together, I hide my smile behind my hand. “Atlas, for real, what the fuck?”
Losing the battle, a chuckle escapes. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it,” I snicker. “We all know, though, that the only hole you’re interested in is mine.”
Mav gives me a heated look, sitting half up to kiss me hard. My hand presses against the contracted muscles of his abs,making me groan. We definitely don’t have time for the things I want to do to him. We have two hours before we have to meet this girl, and I’ll need food and a shower first.
Mav situates himself next to me, opening a pizza box as Draven takes a drag from the blunt, collapsing into an armchair.
“Jordan wouldn’t send us someone who can’t sing,” I remind them.
“Singing and performing are two different things,” Mav counters, nudging me with his shoulder. Draven drops his head back as he holds the smoke in his lungs before slowly exhaling it. I can literally see the tension beginning to slowly bleed away.
The man is wound too tightly. Maybe he should be high when we go to the bar. At the very least, it would be funny.
“Agreed to both counts,” Draven murmurs. His tattooed fingers hold the blunt, his tall, lithe body no longer coiled like a snake. This man doesn’t have many sweet bones in his body, not even for us.
I don’t know if this girl can handle us. “I have no time to babysit the babysitter. Whoever she is, she’ll sink or swim on her own merit. We won’t help her either way. I have a feeling we’ll have to accept her as our new lead singer if there’s no one else who will have us.”
“Fuck, it’s not even our fault that Lyrica couldn’t keep it together,” I sigh. I’m too old to babysit anyone, though I gladly did it for Lennon, Layla’s older sister. We were family… until we weren’t anymore and I fucked it all up with Mav.
Finding Lyrica laying in her own puke with Draven screaming for help wasn’t pretty, and I’m adding it to one more mistake in my life that I’ll never be able to atone for. I hope she gives rehab a real shot this time.
“Aye,” Mav sighs. “We don’t touch anything harder than pot, but Lyrica’s demons demanded a little more in payment.”
“That’s quite enough of that,” Draven says, thumping the arm of the chair as he stands. His blond, wavy hair sits perfectly, even as his piercing blue eyes glare at me. I’ve never seen this shade of eye color on anyone else, and I’ve even checked to see if they’re some sort of contact.
He tried to beat the shit out of me for searching his eyes for them. Eh, I call it bonding.
Pinching the end of the blunt to make sure it’s out, he pockets it. “We knew Lyrica well and hoped she’d get clean. That’s all we can do. I don’t like to think about… that night. I’m going to catch a nap before this fiasco.”