Page 13 of Sight Unseen
Reluctantly, I released Diana and pulled myself off of her. I reached down to offer her a hand up. Her hand was so small in mine. I envisioned it wrapping around my cock, wanting to know if she could wrap all the way around my girth.
“Really, you couldn’t give us another minute.” I turned to glare at Apollo, the cock blocking asshole. Just because he wasn’t getting his dick wet doesn’t mean he has to ruin the chance for the rest of us. His eyes were hard, and a frown covered his face. I know he wasn’t happy that our match turned into a make-out session, but my last fuck to give was buried out back.
“That was good,” Onasis stated. “You're definitely stronger than we thought with you not being here for the last three years.”
Diana stared at her in shock. “Really? Cause it looks like I got my ass kicked for the last two hours. I don’t know what you were watching, but it definitely couldn’t have been my fight.”
Chuckling Onasis laid a hand on her shoulder. “You have your ancestors' fighting genes in you; we just have to pull them up to the surface.”
Following the group out of the training room, we made our way to the gathering hall for lunch. A smile spread across Diana’s face at Onasis’ comment. This girl will fit right in with us, I know it. Maybe she will even unfreeze the ice around Apollo's heart.
I don’t mind sharing her; but only Eros, Phoenix, and Apollo. I trust them with my life; they are my family, and I couldn’t think of anyone better to hold a piece of her heart. I wonder if she would go for that.
Thoughts of Diana spread out before us filled my mind as I grabbed a tray and started piling food onto it. Yup, sharing her wouldn’t be bad at all.
Chapter 13
The lunch spread out before me was even better than the breakfast. Opting for something light, I grabbed a chicken salad and water.
My stomach was killing me from all the falls I took on the beam and knocks from Atlas and Phoenix. I didn’t even know if I could eat this.
What was the point of having all this food available for lunch if my stomach was swimming so badly I could hardly eat?
I hope every day wouldn’t be like this. Girls gotta eat.
Sitting down at the same table, I was surprised to see Phoenix take a seat at my right and Eros at my left. Once Atlas reached our table, he did not look pleased. His mouth was in a stern line, and his brows were pinched down. Before he could say anything, Apollo told him to sit down and eat.
Grumping, he reluctantly took a seat in between Onasis and Apollo, directly across from me. Deciding to have a little fun, I stuck my leg up onto his chair, right between his thighs. His wide eyes snapped up to meet mine. I just shrugged and smiled as I shoved a bite of salad into my mouth.
“So, I feel like I know nothing about any of you. Y’all know my whole ancestry line, and I don’t even know your last names. Let alone if any of you have familiars like Eros, what kind of power you were gifted with, even something as simple as your favorite color. Come on, tell me anything. I’m dying with anticipation here.” Bouncing in my seat, I was itching to hear something from the people who literally flipped my life upside down.
Apollo leveled his glare at me. His face was like stone, his mouth in a thin, taut line, and eyebrows pinched down toward his nose. Well, I guess that settles the debate on what he thinks of me. I have no clue what I did to this man to make him so angry with me. I didn’t even know who I was until they showed up, demanding I come with them.
Like I would have chosen to see those scary-as-hell demons.
Nope, if it were up to me, I would still be in school stressing about upcoming tests and boring as hell papers I had to write. Partying with my friends at different nightclubs and cuddling up in bed, getting lost in books.
My eyebrows shot up at Apollo’s simple answer. Well, I guess it was better than nothing; of course, it would be black, though. A small smile tugged at my lips, and that must have melted some of that hard ice around his heart. His face softened just a bit, and I thought I saw the start of a smile, but it quickly vanished when he caught sight of me looking his way.
Hard-ass Apollo took his place.
Dammit, I really thought I was getting somewhere with him. Like I need more men in my life. The funny things Atlas and Eros were doing to my sex was enough for me.
Nope, I do not need to add another man to the mix. No matter how absolutely handsome that man was and the way I craved what he could do in the bedroom.
Stop thinking about that, Diana. I couldn’t help myself. He looks like he would dominate me in the bedroom, and that thought alone did all kinds of fluttering things to my insides. Clenching my legs, I returned to my salad. Atlas must have felt the shift because he was staring at me with mischievous eyes and a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Mine's red!” Heat flushed my cheeks as Atlas continued. “I just love the color wrapped around my fi… Ooph”
Kicking him hard in the thigh, he cut off the rest of his sentence. Phoenix released a laugh next to me as I turned away from the sexy man smirking at me and begged Phoenix to answer me with my pleading eyes.
Come on, I silently pleaded. Give me more than a color.
I really wanted to know these guys. Something told me I could trust them, but how could I trust them when I hardly know them? They knew more about me than I even knew myself, and I had a suspicion they were holding back on telling me everything. There’s just that nagging voice in the back of my mind that makes me believe they know more.