Page 25 of Sight Unseen
Damn, she was cute when she was mad. She was almost a head shorter than me, so I had to look down at her.
A chuckle left my lips as I covered it with a cough. “M’eudail, anyone would be crazy not to be interested in you. Have you looked in the mirror? You're absolutely breathtaking.” Her breath hitched at my words. “I just won't come between you and my best friends; it's bad enough you're going to break one of their hearts when you pick who you want to be with. I don’t want to add gasoline to the fire by making you pick between me, too.”
“They're not making me choose.” The whisper left her so softly as she looked to the floor.
I almost missed it. Shock flooded my system as my eyes snapped up to meet the men I found in her bed this morning. They were staring at me with matching grins, clearly amused by our encounter.
“They're going to share you?” Confusion laced my voice at the question I didn't know if I wanted to hear the answer to.
Her eyes met mine, and I was sucked into the vortex of gray. “Yes.” The simple answer made my insides turn, and I didn’t know if it was hope that she would want me as well or anger that they were so casually sharing her between them.
The more I studied her eyes, the more I realized that I didn't care if they were sharing her; I just wanted to be with her, too.
Grabbing her chin and tilting her head up, I gently brushed my lips over hers, a ghost of a kiss. Pulling back, I saw the spark of surprise in her eyes. “Well, consider me too. I would like nothing more than to be with you, m’eudail.”
Her shocked expression expanded, if that was possible. Her mouth formed a wide ‘o’ while nothing came out, and her eyebrows were practically at her hairline. “Come on, let's get started before Apollo has a fit,” I said before bending down, grabbing Diana around the back of her thighs, and flipping her over my shoulder.
“Phoenix!” She squealed. “Put me down, you crazy asshole.”
“Gladly,'' I said right before smacking her ass and flipping her off me to the center of the mat. She landed with a thud and utter shock in her eyes. I chuckled at the look of surprise on her face. Her expression suddenly changed, a look of teasing flashing in her eyes; I only caught it for a second before I was knocked on my ass. Diana swept her leg out to collide with the side of mine, taking me down before crawling on top of me and pinning me to the mat.
“Are we playing dirty today, freckles?” She looked at me with a grin from ear to ear.
“Freckles? Really? You couldn’t think of a better fucking nickname?” The sarcasm in my tone was heavy; her freckles rivaled my own.
“Nope.” She said with a pop on the ‘p.’ “I think I like it, and the expression on your face is priceless. Definitely going to stay freckles,” she said right before landing a peck on my lips and bouncing off me.
I groaned at the name while I brought my legs up to give me some momentum and flipped up onto my feet. A surprised Diana stood frozen, gawking at my move. It took a while to master that one, and I laughed as I grabbed a staff Atlas was holding out, tossing one her way, before grabbing my own. She caught it a second before it smacked her in the face.
“Show me what you got, m’eudail,” I said before spinning my staff and taking a fighting stance. “What. Does. That. Mean.” She asked in between blows.
“Win this match, and I will tell you,” I simply replied while deflecting all of her advances.
Determination set on her face, and I knew she would give me a run for my money today. Diana was hell on wheels when she wanted something, and good luck to even the devil himself if he tried to stop her.
After a long hour of battling Diana, I finally let her win. She hit the staff out of my hand and a second later, swiped out with her own, knocking me to the ground. In a flash, we were right back to where we started. Me on my back, and her on top of me, but this time, she had the length of the staff pressed to my neck—enough pressure to be uncomfortable, but not enough to cut off my air supply.
“My darling,” my simple answer had her lighten up her grip, allowing me to knock the stick out from between us.
“Let’s go! Out to the training field now!” Apollo shouted, and I groaned. He really was a buzz kill these days. Wrapping my arms firmly around Diana, I lifted her up with me in the same move she watched earlier. Chuffing at her stunned expression, I placed a simple kiss on her lips and pulled her along with me to follow the rest of the group.
Chapter 24
Was I in some parallel universe? It had to be. My mind was still going a hundred miles a minute, trying to figure out what the hell went on in the weapons room. Was I really with three men now, and not even ordinary guys? We're talking panty-dropping gods.
Isarr interrupted my thoughts when he came striding up next to me; reaching down, I ran my hand along his sleek fur. It was so incredibly soft, nothing like what I expected from how coarse it looked at a distance.
Do you know what we're doing?
I mentally asked my familiar.
He tilted his head up at me with what looked like concern; I still couldn’t get over how blue his eyes were. They looked almost white.
He wants to test your gift. See if you can show them if you do, in fact, have incorporeal power.
What if I can’t get it to work or if I don’t have it?