Page 27 of Sight Unseen
“Are you fucking out of your mind?”
“Let’s go.” Was my simple whispered answer, and suddenly, everyone was staring at me with different levels of shock and horror.
“Bunny, you can’t be serious. You're not ready to face the demons yet.” Pain flashed in his eyes, and I knew he was thinking the worst.
“This clearly isn’t working, so I think Apollo is right. Let’s go out and see if it will get my gift to manifest; I’ll be safe with all of you protecting me.”
“Are you sure, sweetheart? You know we won't let anything happen to you, but Atlas is right. It’s not safe out there, and you're not ready.” Eros pleaded with me.
“I’m as safe as I can be, and I'll never be ready if I don’t do this!” Anger clogged my throat; looking at Apollo, he simply nodded, agreeing with me.
Fuck them thinking I’m not ready; I’ve been working my ass off the last few days. “Gear up! We leave in thirty minutes.” Apollo stated as he strode away with Orpheus on his heels.
I shook off the pleading looks from my men and turned to follow Apollo. “You heard him. Let’s go.”
I will protect you with my life.
Looking at my wolf, tears sprung to my eyes, but I blinked fast to push them down. I’ll be just fine; I have a group of badass superhumans to protect me and a killer wolf. Yeah, this is nothing. I'll be perfectly safe. I repeated that thought in my mind all the way to my room to change.
They won't let me die; I’ll be just fine. I’ve been working toward this; I’m built for this.
Chapter 25
Thirty minutes later, we were all gathered in the weapons room to go over the game plan. Eros helped me into my super cool armor, trying to convince me to change my mind in between distracting me with kisses. It has a big red chest plate that wasn’t super uncomfortable, and what looks like chain mesh over my arms. I paired it with a long sleeve black shirt, skin tight black jeans, and a pair of killer black boots. I definitely looked badass.
“We will go one town over; there’s tons of gifted kids there, and demons are always swarming the place. We got a report earlier that one child was attacked and the creature was spotted outside his home, waiting for an opportunity to finish the job.” Apollo looked my way and I nodded in agreement to his plan.
Atlas held my hand on the walk to the bus, it was a smaller bus, but we needed something bigger than the car we first arrived in because the wolves were going with us. All five of them. I didn’t know all their names, so I made a mental note to ask Isarr when we returned.
We piled into the bus, Phoenix sitting beside me, Atlas and Eros were in the seats across from me, with Apollo in the front and Onasis driving.
“The mission is to kill the demon and any others that are lurking around the home.” Apollo turned to us, raising his brows as if he were asking if we had any questions.
“Why were they able to get into my apartment, but they are lurking outside his home? Why not just go in and finish what it started?” I asked, my nose scrunching in its annoying way, showing my confusion.
“They cannot enter the homes; your apartment is different because multiple people reside in it. A home has one homeowner so they can’t cross the barrier into it.” Phoenix answered my question while intertwining our fingers and settling my hand between his on his lap.
I couldn’t help the laughter that came bubbling out of my chest. “So they're like fucking vampires! Do they also burn in the sun?” I could hardly contain myself asking between the cackling.
“Diana, will you focus? They are not vampires. They are demons. They can’t cross the barrier of a home because they are warded; you need a soul to enter, and demons do not possess a soul; their soul is owned by the devil! Just because they cannot enter does not mean that they are not deadly, and you need to fucking pay attention and realize how dangerous they are and stop
laughing about it like a giddy schoolgirl!” Apollo seethed while his eyes lit up with pure fire.
I clamped my mouth shut for the rest of the ride. Better not piss him off anymore. It seemed like everyone followed suit, and the only sound in the air was the hum of the engine.
Looking out the window, I saw Enyo fade away; it was on top of a huge mountain. The turns were quick as we weaved our way around the bends at the base.
The sun was setting, leaving that beautiful glow in front of us, and my stomach clenched thinking about what we were attempting to do.
Just call out to me, and I will destroy anything that is a threat to you, girl!
Does Apollo count? I mentally snorted and was met with a deep growl I felt down to my bones.
You know he is just doing what he needs to keep everyone safe!
I know, but he could be a bit nicer about it. I thought to my wolf while glancing at Apollo. He was incredibly handsome with a shadow of a beard across his strong jaw and deep brown hair that was cut short. Then there were his eyes; they were so green they reminded me of the color of the grass in the training field. I could get lost in those eyes if it wasn’t for the anger in them every time he looked at me.