Page 36 of Sight Unseen
“Wait! Isarr, is she your pup? Bring her home, please. I don’t even know her name.” I pleaded with him.
He has a pup, and I didn’t even know; how could I miss that?
There was so much going on in this school that I still needed to learn.
Yes, Tala is ours. The other wolves in our pack are Stark and Rolf.
I looked Atlas in the eyes and grabbed his face between my hands before kissing him.
“Bring her home Atlas.”
“I will, bunny, I promise,” Atlas said before kissing me again.
I turned away from him and headed into my room; once the door was closed, I crumpled, dropping to my butt and bringing my knees up to my chest. I sat there for a long time, my arms wrapped around my legs and my cheek resting on my knee.
Once I was numb and all the tears were gone, I got up and crawled into bed.
Sleep eluded me as I tossed and turned, praying everyone returned in one piece.
Eventually, exhaustion took over, and I finally slept.
Chapter 29
It pained me to see the hurt in Diana’s eyes. It’s all I thought about on the way out here, distracting me from the plan Apollo was discussing with us. I couldn’t get the image of her sad gray eyes out of my mind. I promised I would bring Tala back to her; I would burn this fucking world to the ground if she asked me to.
We don't know exactly where the demon took the pup, intel told us they were spotted in Dallas. We know it was a greater demon, and there was talk about drawing Diana out. My world turned red at the mention of them trying to lure her out of the safety of Enyo Institute. I need to figure out why they are after her so badly and how to protect her from them.
It wasn't a good thing if she was on the demon's radar. As soon as she went to her room earlier, Apollo told us all the information he had; after he briefed us, we loaded into the SUV and were on our way to Texas. Onasis and the pack were in another SUV following ours.
Diana is far stronger than anything we have seen in years, but that didn’t explain the hunt for her. When that bear zoned in on her, I knew something was wrong. They didn’t target specific gifted, but when she came into view, it was like no one else mattered.
I replayed that night over and over again, trying to decipher it to no avail. The only time it didn't try to get to her was when it went after Apollo and Orpheus, like it sensed Diana cared for them and was trying to get her to use her gift.
None of it made any sense; I was more confused trying to figure it out than anything.
Was there something special Diana had that none of us knew about, she’s from the Nephus line, one of the last of them, and there is no record of her birth.
I looked into her parents' murder, they were on a mission in Las Vegas, leaving Diana with her friend. They were killed by Mammon, Lucifer's right-hand man. None of it made sense; his henchman never came to earth, but they sought out Diana's parents for some reason.
Then, the fact that there was no record of her birth left me with more questions than answers.
Apollo called my name, interrupting my thoughts of Diana.
“What?” I’m not going to lie to him; I was not listening to anything he said. I was too focused on figuring out what they wanted with my girl.
“We’re going to set a perimeter around the building they were last spotted in and all breach at the same time. I need your head in this Atlas! No one will be injured on my watch! Understood!” Apollo said in a deadly serious tone.
“Yes, sir,” I replied to his order.
“Okay, in and out, we will be there in ten minutes. Everyone will get into place and wait for my signal. Watch each other’s backs and remember to stay liquid.” Apollo looked at each of us in the eyes to make sure we understood the plan.
We all simultaneously replied yes, sir.
“Hey Apollo, when we complete the mission, can I take Eros and head to Baton Rouge? There’s a lead there about Diana I wanna follow.” I asked our leader.
“What’s the lead?” Apollo turned his questioning gaze my way.