Page 39 of Sight Unseen
It’s been a few days since the guys left, and I was restless. Isarr told me they were safe and on their way home, but my mind just wouldn’t settle. I was in the outside sparring ring training with a guy whose name I couldn’t recall; my head just wasn’t here.
I was too worried about everyone to focus. I was making stupid mistakes, stepping too soon before my swings and not blocking his attacks. He kicked my feet out from under me for what felt like the hundredth time. Landing flat on my back, all the air left my lungs in one sharp exhale.
“What the fuck was that, Diana?” Apollo yelled.
I didn’t even know they were back. Jumping to my feet, I rushed over to where he was standing.
“Is everyone back? Are y’all okay?” I asked, looking around for any sign of the other guys. My smile fell when I realized it was just him; I was itching to see the others. I didn’t feel right being separated from them, and there was a sinking feeling in my stomach when I met Apollo's hard eyes.
“No. Please tell me they are alright.” I said with a shaky breath.
Tears filled my eyes, and my vision went blurry. I tried to blink them back, but one escaped, sliding down my cheek.
“We got back a few hours ago. Atlas and Eros should be back anytime now; they followed a lead in Baton Rouge.” Apollo said in his stern voice.
Relief flooded my body, and a sob escaped my throat. I brought my hand up to cover my mouth, meeting Apollo's hard glare.
“Get back in the ring, Diana. Nickoli, I will take it from here.” Apollo said
Ahh, Nickoli was his name, now I remember.
“Yes, sir,” Nickoli said, handing Apollo his staff and making his way toward another fight taking place to our left.
“I don’t think I’m in the right mindset to fight. I'm distracted and unfocused.” I told Apollo. Trying to keep my voice steady, not allowing the sadness to slip through.
“That is exactly why you need to train. You need to learn to push everything out of your mind and focus on the fight.” Apollo started circling me, twisting the staff in his hands.
“A distracted fighter is a dead fighter,” he said before lashing out at me.
I only had a split second to block him, holding onto the staff at both ends. I took his hit right in the middle. The vibration of the blow sent a shockwave through my body.
He immediately pulled back, swinging again, aimed at my stomach. I quickly let go of one end, taking hold again, hands together, to swing towards his oncoming staff.
He came at me again and again, holding nothing back. I was left on defense, blocking him blow for blow.
The sky darkened with thick clouds before rain started to pound down on us, soaking my sports bra and leggings and causing the material to cling to my body tighter.
Everyone around us ran towards the Institute, but I didn’t think Apollo would be swayed by the rain. Nope, this jackass wasn’t budging to follow the people fleeing for shelter from the sudden downpour.
Apollo stripped off his soaked shirt, leaving him in only a pair of basketball shorts.
“Come on, Diana. I know you can do better than that. Focus!” He yelled before striking at me again.
The staff collided with my hip, causing a sharp pain to shoot down my leg.
“Why do you hate me so much!” I yelled, not able to hold back the burning question anymore. I needed to understand why he hated me so much; I never did anything to this man for him to spew the anger he always had towards me.
I released all my anger and swung at him; he blocked my blow like I was nothing more than a fly annoying him.
He spun the staff in a cool as fuck move, holding it like an extension of his arm with half of it behind his back. He looked up at me, and it felt like his soul was looking into mine. The pure, raw emotions coming off of him left my head spinning.
Another crack of lighting sped down behind him, illuminating him like a dark angel. His brown hair looked black, clinging to his forehead as water dripped from the ends. His eyes were so green I couldn’t take my eyes away from them.
“I don’t hate you,” he said in a low growl.
Lightning danced across the sky, and thunder boomed overhead. Apollo looked at me with an expression I couldn’t place. Something between pain and longing filled his gaze.
“Well, it doesn’t feel that way. I understand you want to push me, but you are so cold and distant, Apollo. Just let me in, let me understand.” I begged him.