Page 19 of After the Final
“Emma, you only needed to look at him to know that he was instantly gone on you. If you hadn’t fucked that night, you would have at some point.” Viv sounds amused. “You wouldn’t have been able to get rid of him if you tried.”
I don’t know what to say to that, and I simply hang up, my friend’s words turning over and over in my head. How was it possible for someone to become that smitten so quickly? Then again, I’ve been crushing on Mark for a while. People crush on the players themselves, while I’m looking at the referee. I’ve always been known at the oddball.
But when it came to Mark, I can’t help myself. Going to bed with him had felt like I was still dreaming. I didn’t expect to become pregnant, nor did I expect him to want this baby, too.
I certainly didn’t expect for my feelings to get stronger because of it. But maybe that’s because of the hormones.
A banging on the door makes me jump, and I drop my phone. It bounces on the carpet and skitters under the coffee table. My heart pounding in my chest, I listen carefully. Is that Mark? Has he already arrived?
Then I hear Rick’s voice.
“Come on, Emma, let me in. I know you’re in there. I heard your voice.”
My heart sinks to my stomach. Fuck, he really is here. I can’t believe he’s doing this. I manage to get to my feet and head into the hall. Rick bangs on the door again.
“Emma, don’t start pretending you’re not inside. We need to talk.”
“What about, Rick?” I don’t know how my voice isn’t shaking. “What is there to talk about?”
“How about you getting pregnant by another man? Isn’t that enough for you?”
“You mean how I’m doing things in my life that have nothing to do with you?”
Rick scoffs.
“Nothing to do with me? You’re my girl, Emma. Everything you do is something to do with me.”
“Seriously? I broke things off with you months ago! You and I are not a couple anymore, and you know it.”
“You’re still mine.”
This is why I broke up with him. He was too controlling and thinking he could dictate what I could and couldn’t do. It’s been three months and he still thinks he can behave like this.
“I broke up with you, Rick. I told you why, and I said I didn’t want you to contact me. What part of that was hard to understand?”
“I knew you were going to regret it in the end. I knew you couldn’t cope without me.”
I scoff at that.
“You think I’m that dependent on you?”
“Oh, I know you are.” Rick’s voice changes. He probably thinks that he’s got a hypnotic voice, but it doesn’t soothe me at all. “You are going off with strange men and doing stupid things, after all. And you think I’m not going to be upset about that?”
“You’re not my boyfriend anymore, Rick. And I don’t want anything to do with you. So why don’t you just fuck off and leave me alone?” I wish that I could open the door and smack him, but Rick is much bigger than me, and I don’t want him in my house. “Isn’t it enough that you’ve manipulated one of my friends? You have to tell me who I can and can’t interact with as well?”
“I don’t want anyone corrupting my girl, Emma.”
“I’m not your girl!” I’m getting a headache, and my voice is raising to a shout. Why won’t he listen? I’m going to be hoarse before he finally pays attention. “I broke up with you because you were a controlling git. I thought you were finally backing off, but I thought wrong.”
Rick sighs. I hate it when he does that; it makes him sound like he’s talking to a slow child.
“Emma, I’m just waiting for you to see that things are better when you’re with me. You can wander about as much as you want, but you’re always going to come back to me. You know that deep down. Now you’re having a baby with someone else, and I can’t let that happen.”
I freeze when I hear that. He’s not suggesting…
“You’re not going to harm my baby,” I snap. “I won’t let you do that.”
“Who said I was going to harm the baby? That baby is mine, as far as I’m concerned.”