Page 29 of The Dragon's Rose
"And who was that?" Aeron inquires.
"I hardly think that's relevant." Vivia glares at Aeron.
"Of course it's relevant. Everything she did leading up to that moment is relevant." Aeron’s heated gaze sweeps the room until they land back on my wife. "My question still stands, My Queen. Who did you last feel safe with?"
"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to," I assure her, despite the death glare Aeron sends my way. If looks could kill, I would be little more than ash right now.
The older dragon is on thin fucking ice. If he doesn't adjust his damn attitude soon, I will be forced to put him back in his place. He could stand to be humbled and I would take great pride in being the one to do it.
Fortunately for him, my wife is more understanding than me. "It's okay, I don't mind." Her words say one thing, but her hardened expression says, 'I'm not afraid of him.’
"Since you’re so curious, councilman,” Rose starts and her next words send my beast into primal mode, “I was thinking about my husband."
Chapter 17
Fatigue is quickly setting in. My eyelids feel heavy, threatening to stay closed with each blink. The questions come more frequently, but my answers rarely change. However, one in particular stands out among the rest.
Can I do it again?
Even after explaining to the council I hadn’t meant to do it the first time, Aeron and Otis insist I try again. I’m not opposed to trying—I want to help—but the little strength I have left is slowly slipping from my grasp. I feel like I could sleep for a full twenty-four hours.
Throughout the bickering, Malix stays silent and this unnerves me more than anything. An angry or cocky Malix I can handle because I can dish it up as well as I can take it, but the silent man sitting next to me is not one I’m equipped to handle.
The intensity in which he’s staring at me makes me both afraid and a little aroused. Images from the kitchen replay in my mind like my own private porn movie. The way he kissed me like a starving man and I’m the last morsel of food to be found. I rub against him, desperate to feel friction between my legs. I should feel embarrassed about that, but I don’t. I won’t feel ashamed to explore my sexual desires.
Except it stopped as suddenly as it had started and neither of us got what we wanted. I left in a hurry, embarrassed about getting caught, not the deed itself.
Even sexy thoughts of my husband can’t suppress the yawn that escapes from my lips. Malix snaps out of whatever hold he is under and stands abruptly. “Enough for tonight. Rose needs to sleep.”
“My King—” Aeron begins to argue, but Malix snaps.
He whirls around so fast, I barely see him move. One moment he’s beside me and the next he’s across the table, grabbing Aeron by the neck. “One more fucking word out of you and it’ll be your last.”
The dragons around the table stand up, but only Otis goes to Aeron’s aid. Vivia and Aracelia seem to be enjoying Malix’s outburst. Aeron is clearly not a favorite among the two women on Malix’s council.
“Sir, I believe what Aeron is trying to say is that it’s extremely important that we have Rose recreate what she did. To even stand a sliver of a chance against the Nephilim, we need our people back.” Otis’s confidence wanes as he takes in the two dragons.
Indecision is written all across his pale face. To help the king or to help the most powerful council member. I do not envy his decision.
To his credit, Aeron doesn’t struggle in Malix’s grasp. His face is red from either lack of oxygen or anger…or a combination of the two. The loathing in his beady black eyes makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.
Suddenly, I’m afraid for my husband’s safety.
Another tense moment passes between the two powerful dragons before Malix loosens his grip on the older dragon’s neck, letting his feet touch the floor again. Aeron pulls in a deep breath, slowly backing away from Malix.
“This isn’t over,” Aeron murmurs, almost imperceptibly. Before anyone can do or say anything, he leaves the room without so much as a backward glance.
Otis, realizing that he is in the direct line of my husband’s wrath now, takes a step back. It’s subtle, but may as well have been an entire leap since I’m told dragons do their best not to show their fear.
“Make yourself useful, Otis, and see to it that Aeron doesn’t find his way into trouble or to my wife. If he does, it will be your heads displayed on spikes,” Malix threatens, draining the color from the poor man’s face.
“Of course, Your Highness.” Otis makes a quick dash to the door, but before he leaves, he turns around and bows in my direction. “It was a pleasure to meet you officially, My Queen.” With that, he leaves to trail Aeron.
“Well, this has all been entertaining,” Aracelia muses, pushing her chair in. “Perhaps it is best to reconvene tomorrow—if the queen wishes,” she adds quickly after Malix growls at her. “As always, it has been a pleasure. My Queen”—Aracelia moves so she’s standing in front of me. The stern-looking, but gorgeous woman offers me her hand—“I look forward to working alongside you. Please don’t judge us too harshly based on Aeron’s actions. We aren’t all completely insufferable.”
I smile, despite the tension and fatigue coursing through my body. “Thank you, Aracelia. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. But please, just call me Rose. No titles.”