Page 75 of The Dragon's Rose
Malix is on the ground, one wing curled in. Blood oozes from a deep gash on his wing, keeping him bound to the ground. The Nephilim king approaches him with what might pass as a twisted smile. He thinks he’s already won.
Malix is a deadly foe. Taking the advantage of the sky away from him is a setback, but his fight isn’t over. I desperately want to call out for him, but I can’t risk distracting him. Despite his injuries, he’s holding his own and I need to be doing the same.
“Sorry, I’m back. I’m focused,” I murmur and turn back around. My eyes close and I work at drowning out the distractions around me. The pounding in my ears subsides to a muffled ring. The heat licking at my skin fades to only a mild annoyance.
Vivia works beside me tirelessly. It’s strange to feel connected to her in this way, both working on restoring our wards, but the help is appreciated. Still, our work is slow. Our time is ticking away quickly, each passing second the wards struggle and allow more Nephilim to come through.
The more I work, the more something becomes increasingly clear.
I need Malix. Vivia isn’t my husband and although working with her is faster than working alone, it’s still a far cry from what I believe Malix and I could accomplish.
Vivia seems to come to this conclusion the moment I do. Our eyes open and we stare at each other. Her struggles are easy to read. She doesn’t want to leave me alone again, but she needs to get Malix. Her king gave her an order and she is bound to obey it, but her queen is about to go against his words.
“I need Malix, Vivia. I know you feel it too. Take his place and let him come to me.” Malix isn’t far away, and no other Nephilim are coming my way besides the ones attempting to break through. I can keep them out though, but I need Malix.
Vivia considers this for only a second before nodding. “I’ll keep Gadreel from fully crossing over. If he breaks through, his power will strengthen the rest of his people. Our wards will be rendered useless. You’re going to have to work fast.”
“Such a great inspirational speech. Thank you for that, Vivia,” I deadpan. She grunts in reply and shifts into her dragon.
“Be careful,” she says to me, as if I needed that reminder. Then she’s gone.
I’m alone again, but this time I’m not scared. There’s a certain selfish pleasure in doing something that is bigger than just myself. The hefty weight of responsibility isn’t lost on me though. However, I’m not allowing the fear that comes with the responsibility to consume me. Instead, I relish the task.
Before Dragon’s Keep, back at Grym Hollow, my life felt very much out of my control. I lost my parents and couldn’t do anything to save them. They died on impact. What I thought I had under control had been my love life, but even that was stripped from me by the two people closest to me.
I have control now though. My body vibrates with it. Power courses through my veins and only gets stronger when warm, sweaty arms wrap around me. He leans into me, more hurt than he’s allowing himself to show.
Doesn’t matter. I can be strong enough for the both of us. Malix doesn’t have to do this alone. The realization that I don’t have to do this alone either hits me like a ton of bricks. It’s almost painful to realize that I have love and a purpose. Something I pretended I didn’t need for the longest time. Deep down though, it was always the one thing I craved above all others.
My energy connects with Malix’s and erupts so beautifully that tears come to my eyes. It’s new and still growing, but it’s strong and vibrant. I feel him everywhere on my body, inside and out. I feel his fear and determination. But most importantly, I feel his love. His love for me. It’s overwhelming and everything I have always deserved but have never allowed myself to have.
We weave together vibrant colors, laying out our fears, desires, wants, and needs. There are no secrets between us, no hesitations keeping us apart. Something snaps into place, and I feel him. His emotions, his fear, and his love for me. An unbreakable bond takes root.
Strength soars through my body and I’m unable to contain it. Too much, too fast.
So I push it out to the only thing that needs it more than me.
Before my eyes, I watch the shimmer of the wards spark, appearing for all to see before sending a light into the land. It flickers once more before becoming invisible to the eye. It’s not gone though. No, it’s back, strong, and ready to defend Dragon’s Keep.
The wards pulse with the strength of Malix and me combined, working in tandem. A scream, followed by a curse, rings out and I turn just in time to see Gadreel jerk his body back. His chest is flushed a pinkish color, and he pounds on his chest as if he’s putting out a fire.
More high-pitched screams erupt and I follow the noises until I’m turned in Malix’s arms, looking out at the result playing out in front of me. A few dragons lie on the floor, unmoving, and my heart hurts for our fallen, though they are few.
The remaining Nephilim inside our borders burn. Not from dragon’s fire, but the protection the wards grant us. This was why Gadreel was desperate to shatter our wards and why Malix strove to strengthen them as often as he could. Alone, that burden must have been hard to carry, but neither of us is alone anymore.
The Nephilim burn as they try to leave, but none of the ones trapped within get out. They fall to the ground with a resounding thud before turning to ash in front of our very eyes.
Silence follows. Neither dragon nor Nephilim speak. Slowly, and then all at once, the dragons roar in triumph and solidarity. Joy spreads fast among the dragons and it’s hard not to get caught up in their contagious excitement.
“We did it!” I jump into Malix’s arms. He grunts but catches me, and a second later he’s kissing me. It’s hard, passionate, and completely dominating. Everything I missed while he was cursed. My body arches to him, and if we weren’t in the middle of a forest with half of our kingdom watching, I’d demand him to take me.
Reluctantly we break apart, gasping to catch our breath. “It was all you, little dragon. You awakened our people and rallied them. You restored the wards. We are standing as victors because of you.”
I beam at his praise. So many people helped. Mina. Vivia. Aracelia. Malix. And of course, all the dragons who came to fight today. Every one of them should be recognized for their bravery and loyalty to Dragon’s Keep.
My pride diminishes somewhat when I realize that not everyone who came into this battle will be going home. Their family and friends will never have the chance to rejoice in this victory with the fallen, but they can rejoice in the fact they died as heroes. I make a vow right here and now to memorialize all that we lost.
From the corner of my eye I see Nephilim shuffle away from the wards, though Gadreel doesn’t move. Malix pulls me closer, a low growl leaving his lips. Gadreel hisses in response. “Mescos will fall to the Nephilim, and I’ll see to it that you die with it.” He lets the threat linger before he turns and walks with his people. For now, we are safe.