Page 17 of Making It Count
“No, I didn’t.”
“I guess you wouldn’t have. You and I don’t hang out. I’d say you probably saw her around the dorm, but Eliza wasn’t a fan of the fact that I had to live in one. She has an apartment with a couple of roommates, so when we’re not in season, I pretty much stay there most nights. And when we are in season, I try to focus on just basketball, and we sleep apart a lot.”
“Well, I’m sorry that it’s over,” Layne replied and walked into the elevator.
Shay followed her and said, “Me too. But not really, I don’t think. It’s been hard to focus on how I actually feel about it while being here and being so up and down with my game the past few days.”
“So, you don’t know if you’re upset or happy about not having a girlfriend anymore?”
“Do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? Have you ever had one?”
“Sorry. Forget I asked.” Shay shook her head and took a drink.
“No, it’s fine. I just don’t really talk about that kind of stuff with anyone. And, yeah, I had a girlfriend once. High school. Nothing since I got to Dunbar. I mean, I went on a few dates, but no relationships.”
“So, you’re…”
“Like you?” Layne finished, which wasn’t exactly what Shay had meant, but it would work.
“Yeah, I guess,” she said.
“Yeah, I guess,” Layne echoed in response.
Shay laughed, and the elevator door opened. She motioned for Layne to walk out first and followed her.
“I think they’re still partying in Martin’s room,” she noted. “Want to go?”
“No, I’m good just getting some sleep.”
“You really don’t care what anyone thinks about you, do you?” Shay chuckled.
“No. Why should I?”
“You shouldn’t. I think that’s cool.” Shay walked into the room with the ice machine and tossed the empty beer bottle. Then, she finished the beer she had in her hand and tossed that bottle, too. “I wish some of that would rub off on me, I think. I’m always worried about what people think of me.” She left the room and rejoined Layne in the hallway.
“Why don’t you worry?” Shay asked her back as they arrived at Layne’s door.
Layne used her key, pushed the door open, and said, “I don’t know. I never really have. It’s just not that important to me. I’d rather focus on my goals, being happy, that kind of a thing.”
“What are your goals?”
Layne looked down the hall and asked, “Do you want to come in for a minute?”
“Sure,” Shay replied. “Not like I’m missing much in Martin’s room.”
Layne let her walk in first, and Shay noticed that one bed looked like luggage had exploded all over it. The other was still made and had nothing on it. She could easily guess that Roy’s bed was the disaster area and Layne’s was the untouched one. Roy wasn’t there yet, which meant she was still at the party down the hall. Shay figured that if everyone wasn’t back in their rooms by two, she’d go break up the party and tell them all to get some sleep.
“So, uh… You can sit there if you want.” Layne pointed to the desk chair. “Roy’s bed always looks like a hurricane hit it.”
Shay sat down on the end of Layne’s bed instead, and Layne looked around as if she was confused and had no idea where to sit now. It was pretty adorable.