Page 58 of Making It Count
“Do you think you’re extra tired because of the workout today?”
“I’m sure I am. I never thought I’d play again, so it’s not like I did a lot of training this summer. We don’t have a gym at our apartment, and I wouldn’t have used it even if we did. I haven’t even picked up a basketball since that last game.”
“Were you okay today? It looked like you were having a hard time.”
“I was. I think I would have no matter what, but getting sick didn’t help.”
“Have you told Coach?”
“About having it?”
“No. And you can’t, either, Shay. If I absolutely have to, I will, but I can’t risk losing my scholarship.”
“Maybe they’d honor it even if you couldn’t play. Schools do that all the time.”
“Maybe. But I’m still getting better. I just need to hang in there during the workouts, and I’ll be okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“Shay, please don’t–”
“Layne, I won’t say anything. But you realize that she knows we hang out and that if you do have to tell her, she’s going to know that I knew? I could get in trouble.”
“I’ll lie and tell her that you didn’t know.”
“You don’t lie. It’s one of the things I like so muchabout you.”
Layne smiled and said, “If I have to tell her the truth, I’ll tell her that you told me to tell her, and I swore you to secrecy or something. Better?”
“No. I think you should tell her. The school has the trainers and doctors. Jessop had it. She told me today that she has to talk to the team doc about how she’s feeling, like, all the time. Maybe that’s all Coach will ask you to do.”
“Maybe. And if I have to go there, I will. But not yet, okay?”
“Okay. Yeah. I’m just worried about you. You never had a problem keeping up before. So, it scared me.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. It was the first day back. Hey, you had that math class today. How did it go?”
“I still hate math. How’s that?”
Layne laughed and said, “I don’t expect one class to change your opinion on that.”
“I have no choice. I have to pass. I can’t let my GPA drop. Not all of us get to start that over in graduate school because they’re technically still a senior.”
“But you’re graduating in December, and you have three other easy classes, which is pretty awesome.”
“Yeah? What are you going to get me for a graduation present? I have some ideas, you know?”
“You do?”
“Yup.” Shay nodded. “You.”
Layne smiled and said, “Me how, exactly?”
“Well, I was thinking you could be naked or mostly naked, and I could get you naked the rest of the way.”
“God, that sounds good. I want that,” Layne told her.