Page 17 of Mr. January
I pause for a moment, reflecting on our shared history."I really don't think she wants anyone to know how we actually met, but we did go to graduate school together eventually, so it's not like that is too far from the truth. I think that's kind of where we really found out more about each other. We both pursued our MBAs at the same time and graduated in the same year. That's how she moved up the ranks at Forrester Media before she became editor-in-chief. She started off in the media room, working on the magazine, kind of like an intern, while she was finishing up her last year of undergrad before she went off for her Masters. She was promoted from there and deserved everything she got. She worked off of her own merit, and it was of no help from me or my brother."
Genesis listens intently, her curiosity evident in her unwavering gaze. She then shifts her focus to another aspect of our complex history.
"Did your mother ever find out that she was the one counting cards or causing any of the issues in the underground?"she asks.
I sigh, acknowledging the tension my mother's interference has caused over the years."She had her suspicions, but I made sure Robyn's name did not get out. I protected her as much as I could, and it worked for the most part. But I think that my mom had more of a suspicion that Robyn and I were getting close. She really had an eye on us, and I really tried to tell Robyn to stay away from the casinos because I didn't want her being recognized and it getting back to my family. I think she thought that I banned her because of the card counting, but that's not the case. If she wants to come to the casino tomorrow, she could; she just hasn't been back."
"In 15 years, really? She hasn't been back to the casino?"Genesis exclaims, her surprise evident.
I nod somberly, a tinge of sadness washing over me at the thought."Yes,"I reply, my voice carrying a hint of regret."It's been a long time, and it's a shame because she was truly talented at cards. She excelled at Blackjack and won a substantial amount of money."
Genesis's curiosity deepens as she inquires about the fate of the money Robyn won the night at the casino.
"That money she won, what happened to it?"she asks.
I take a moment to gather my thoughts before answering."She doesn't know, but I put it into a college fund for her siblings. Each one of them who pursued a degree had some of the money put toward their tuition. She knows it was a secret donation, but she doesn't know how it all came together."
Genesis' earnestness shines through as she urges me to reveal this secret to Robyn."I think you should tell her, Knox. I believe she would want to know,"she encourages.
I offer a nonchalant shrug in response, taking another bite of my sandwich as I gaze out of the window, lost in my thoughts. The complexities of my past with Robyn and the challenges of our present weigh heavily on my mind as I contemplate what lies ahead.
"What happened when your mother sent her away last year, Knox?"Genesis' soft question lands like a gut punch.
I feel impending dread once more, not wanting to revisit the memories of the year when Robyn was sent away on a phantom assignment in Europe. It was all orchestrated by my mother, who claimed it was a secret and vital assignment for the greater good of Forrester Media. In reality, it was a ploy to keep Robyn away from me, and it tore at my heart.
Chapter Fourteen
Knox-1 year ago
One year ago, I find myself seated in the conference room at Forrester Media, my irritation mounting with each passing moment. My mother, Rachael, is at her usual antics, prattling on about Robyn's overseas assignment in Europe. According to her, it's all about Forrester Media, financial numbers, and getting the London office up and running. It's the kind of mind-numbing corporate talk that makes my head spin. But amidst her rambling, one thing stands out like a thorn in my side—Robyn will be on assignment overseas for the next year.
As I sit there, my eyes can't help but drift to Robyn, who is also present at the conference table. She sits across from me, her head lowered, refusing to meet my gaze. I will her to look at me, to make eye contact, but she remains distant. My heart aches as I wonder if my mother's decision to send her away has anything to do with our passionate encounter a month or so ago. It's more than just a hookup for me; it means something deeper. I love her—I'minlove with her.
I glance across the table at Reese, my younger brother, hoping for some support. After all, this is his division of the company, and I expect him to have a say. He has been an advocate for me and Robyn from the beginning. However, to my dismay, he appears passive, letting me fume in silent frustration. It feels like I'm in the Twilight Zone, and it seems he's even encouraging Robyn to go to Europe.
My mind races back to that passionate encounter with Robyn a few months earlier, right in this very office, after hours. It's a night that has rekindled the spark between us, and I can't get her out of my mind. I have finally convinced her to admit her feelings for me, to acknowledge she never stopped loving me. Maybe there's more to our connection than I initially thought.
After the meeting, I desperately try to find Robyn in the office, but she seems to have vanished. Frustration and mixed emotions swirl within me as I turn to Reese, demanding answers.
"Where is she, Reese!"I yell, my frustration evident.
He lets me vent my grievances before finally responding,"Look, I know this is rough, but maybe it's for the better that she goes away for a while. Mom has her suspicions. I mean, come on, man, she knows something's up between the two of you. You can't keep your eyes off each other during meetings, and let's face it, you two aren't exactly discreet. I mean, we all heard you know..."
Talon, our younger brother, chimes in—I had forgotten he was even in the room."You two totally did it."
I can't help but snap at him,"Shut the hell up, Talon!"
"Hey, don't yell at me just because you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar,"Talon retorts."Mom's not stupid; she knows what you're up to. But if I were you, I wouldn't let my girl get away just because Mom said so. It’s not like you’re a teenager anymore. You should talk to her before she leaves and make your intentions known. If you want to be with her, tell her."
Despite Talon's sometimes annoying nature, he has a point. I need to take action, and I need to do it quickly.
“Robyn isn’t just some fling… I’ve loved her for damn near half my life,”I admit, running frustrated hands through my hair.
“You should be telling her that, bro,”Talon quips.
Agitated, I leave the office and head to the casino. As soon as I walk in, my phone buzzes with a text from Reese. Robyn is back in the office, packing up. She waited until everyone left to start clearing her desk.
I know this is my chance. I need answers about where Robyn and I stand, and I have to confront her about my mother's announcement. If she won't answer my calls or texts, then I will go to her. Without wasting any time, I get back in my car and drive to Forrester Media after hours, determined to find Robyn in her office.