Page 8 of Falling for the Devil
His finger jabs at the screen as if he’s waiting for it to come to life and perform magical tricks for him.
I canfeelhis temper radiating off of him in waves. Something he’s always claimed to be able to feel about me as well.
It wasn’t enough for both of us to look so painfully similar to one another with our platinum blonde hair and fair skin - no we had to have similar personality faults as well.
Namely, the temper and the stubborn feeling that we are always right in any given situation. The complete and utter inability to back down no matter what the situation might be.
“That damned woman better answer my messages before I send out a retrieval squad tohunt her down. This is not the time for reckless behavior. Arrived in the damned city an hour ago! Can you believe it! Nora, if you hear from her--”
Alexei’s voice cuts off mid-rant as he looks up from his phone to see Nora and I sitting on the couch as if it were just any ole Thursday evening girls’ night.
Though I likely look like I’m worse for the wear. I spent so much of the plane ride over drinking and crying, it’s a wonder that my present stress level has kept me sober.
His eyebrows lowered into a flat line of disapproval. “Of course.”
I smile sheepishly at him, with far too many teeth.
“Hey big brother,” I coo, hoping that he will see my nervous smile and choose to skip lecturing me for not doing what he wanted me to do. He couldn’t honestly think that I was just going to listen to him.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Alexei sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose while he’s speaking to me as if the whole thing is just too much of an effort for him to stand.
“What do you mean, what am I doing here? I’m here to be with my family.” I answer honestly. I kind of thought that he would have expected me to disobey him and show up here anyway. “You’re welcome for my stunning presence, by the way.”
I told you to stay in Spain!” Alexei’s voice starts to raise and my temper snaps.
I’m off the couch and crossing the room to stand in front of him before I can think better of it. There aren't many people who can get away with getting in Alexei Levine’s face, but I’m fortunate to be one of them.
Does he really think that he just gets to stand here and pretend like nothing’s changed? Like our whole world hasn’t just shrunk on us yet again? I don’t think so.
“Mom is dead!” The words come out a lot harsher than I intended for them to. “She’s gone!” I snap my fingers to emphasize my point. “Just like that! And you really thought I was going to stay half a world away? Like you’re the only one who gets to make moves here? Absolutely not!”
Even if he doesn’t want to admit it, I can be of help to him. He might like to be the overbearing, always-in-control older brother, but I’m not some helpless wilting flower.
The muscle in Alexei’s chiseled jaw feathers in irritation and for a moment, I think that the lecture is about to start, but instead he says something far worse. “You’re a liability here.”
I scoff incredulously. “A liability? That’s what you’re worried about?” Bitterly, I cross to the couch and grab my leather jacket from where I had left it and start stuffing my arms into it. “Well then, don’t you worry about me brother, I can more than take care of myself. Sorry for thinking that family should stick together at a time like this. What was I thinking, right? Crazy.”
Leaving is the very last thing that I want to do. Can’t he see that?
I don’t even know where I would go. If he actually lets me walk out of this room, I might hurt him a little bit. Alexei should know better than to call me on my bluff most of the time, but this is one where I’m willing to allow him to pull his head out of his ass and make an exception.
I need my family, or what’s left of it.
Going to some hotel by myself and wallowing in spa treatments is good for getting over a breakup. Not for this.
“Stop it, you’re not going anywhere.” Nora chimes in from behind me. I can feel the look that she’s giving my brother without even having to turn around. “We both know that it will be better for her to stay here where you can keep an eye on her anyway.”
I turn in time to see Alexei’s defeat written clearly across his face. “I don’t want her anywhere near us. If they went after my mother, then the next one they will come after is me. They wouldn't have made a move like this without something else up their sleeves.”
“We live on a private, unlisted street, Alexei.” Nora continues. “We can have a place set up for Katya on the same street with as many guards as you like. That has to be better than having her across an ocean.”
“I could help your security as well.” I add in, hopefully trying to help pledge my case. “Since it was so easy for me to sneak in here. I could, uh, ‘me’ proof it. With my fancy computer degreeand all.” I smile brightly. “What do you say,brat, let me earn my keep and stay here?”
He debates for a moment, not wanting to have me involved as he always does. The downside of having such an overprotective older brother is that he’s, well, protective to a fault.
Silence fills the room as Nora and I give Alexei our best puppy eyes until he huffs his concession.
“Fine! Eight-hour shifts in the rotation every two days. Private security twenty-four seven with a tracker on your phone. That’s the best I can do.”