Page 108 of Accidental Shield
Hitting the call button on my steering wheel, I reconnect with Cash. “Call in everyone. We need all hands on deck for this. And find out where the hell Davis is. He went after the SUV that dropped off Ray!”
“On it, Flint. She’s going to be—”
I hang up. Don’t need anyone telling me she’ll be okay. That everything’s gonna be fine and dandy.
It’s very not okay.
Val’s changed my fucking life. Changed the way I think. Reached down inside me and altered the makeup of my soul.
I’ve been fighting it tooth and nail, pretending it’s not there, but there’s no denying it.
She’s in my head first thing when I wake up and before I drift off to sleep.
She made me feel again.
Living with Val was so easy, so real, right from the start—even when she was a walking amnesia case.
She’s in my marrow, my beating heart, my depths.
This shimmering bright spark I never knew I was missing until it was there, lighting my fire, and I don’t want it fading again.
She can’t be missing.
I want her.
I love her.
Fuck! My fist crashes against the steering wheel.
Hell of a time for a visceral, emotional confession, I know.
But I never stood a chance against those gorgeous gold eyes, that adorable laugh, that rocking body.
Valerie Gerard is candied perfection wrapped in sunshine. And I’ve already laid claim, even if I haven’t done it openly.
I’m not losing her. Not to anyone, especially these savage pukes!
I’m still working myself into a frenzy when Cash’s name appears on the dashboard screen a minute later. I click the answer button on the steering wheel.
“Davis just got there. Same with the others,” Cash says. “He followed the men who dropped off Ray, where they met a boat, and says to turn off the highway a mile before the plant. We have to hit the docks from Waimanalo Gulch or we’ll set off sensors.”
“Copy that.” I hang up and stab my foot harder on the gas pedal.
I’m thankful for every one of these men helping me. I’d already offered them payment, which they’d refused. They don’t want money. They want another shot at Cornaro.
Same justice I’d wanted, once, but now, honestly?
I just want Valerie home.
Safe and sound and in my bed where she belongs. Every night.
I don’t know if I have the patience for a live capture.
I’ll kill that SOB this time. Fucking dismember him.
I turn off the highway, onto a gravel road that goes nowhere, except to the gulch. I’m pissed because this is taking me farther away from Valerie, but it’s the only way in, so I have to deal.
About a quarter of a mile later, I see Davis, standing next to his vehicle. He waves me into the trees.
I turn, slam the truck into park, and leap out. “Was she hurt?”
“No. She was walking fine, last I saw. I’m sorry, man, I couldn’t overtake them. There were four dudes in the boat and two in the truck.”
They came in force. Outnumbered and outgunned us.
I could kick my own ass for failing to do more to secure my stretch of beach, though there’s only so much a private citizen can do to stop a water landing.
Davis is built like a brick shithouse of a man. Solid and wide and tall. Something in his tone has me wondering.
“How many drove away with her?” I ask, scratching my neck.
“Only the two guys in the truck. They were a diversion. The rest were in the ship.”
“The four on the boat?”
He shrugs. “Couldn’t get a good look, but sure seemed that way. The boat went back out to sea. A little runner or something. Saw her and Ray get transferred to a bigger ship a little ways offshore.”
“Empty?” I really shouldn’t ask, because what I don’t know won’t hurt me. “Did they abandon the runner?”
He shakes his head.
“So they brought it back. Were any of those four men driving?”
“No. Not anymore. I’d called Nate for back up. He’s on the boat with them now.” He pauses, a broad grin crossing his strong onyx face. “You know how sneaky he can be. He’ll have it commandeered in no time. Should meet us on the beach shortly.”
With Cornaro’s own boat. I like it. If I wasn’t so pissed, I’d smile.
No SEAL worth his salt gets hard over guys going full Rambo.
It shouldn’t ever get to that point. It’s the perfect blend of shadows, stealth, and subterfuge that make our missions a success and men into heroes.
“Good thinking,” I tell him, giving his shoulder a brotherly slap.
Davis nods at the road, the sound of screeching tires. “Here’s Cash. The rest of the boys are already headed for the docks to intercept our new ship.” He pauses, turning up his face as he eyes me. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Yeah. That runner’s our ticket in. Let’s go.”
Cash parks and catches up to us. He’s traded his usual island doctor polo shirt and slacks for proper tactical gear, his green eyes flashing in the darkness.