Page 118 of Accidental Shield
Flint reaches out to a security company he knows, Enguard based in California, and sits down with my mother and Ray to work up security systems for the rest of our family properties, including the King Heron offices.
Then there’s Bryce. He’s on the beach playing with Savanny. Still trying to teach the cat how to fetch.
Savanny just greedily pounces on the ball and tries to keep it every time.
So maybe you can’t teach an old cat new tricks, but you’ve got to appreciate the kid’s spirit.
I head outside for some fresh air, and he plops down on the beach towel beside me. Digging his toes into the warm sand, he lets out a long sigh.
“You doing okay, buddy?” I ask. “I know it’s a ton of people all up in your space.”
He grins, and his blue eyes sparkle as he looks up at me. “It’s cool, Val. I’m happy you’re gonna keep living with us for now. It’s like having this big extended family.”
I smile. “Yeah, well, I’ll have Mother and Ray out of your hair in the next day or two. Lord knows Mother looked scarred for life when she saw those pickle rolls your grandma made.”
“Hilarious!” He laughs, reaching down to pet Savanny, now sprawled out near our feet. “Gotta say, I love having people around. I always wanted to.”
“Yeah?” I wonder, lifting an eyebrow.
“Yep. I never told Dad, because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but…it’s been lonely around here, ever since we moved to Hawaii. When it was just us, I mean. And I love Grandma, but she’s Grandma. It’s nice having other people around to mix things up. You always find fun stuff for us to do.”
I ruffle up his hair. “What, like furniture shopping?”
He laughs. “Well, that was a crazy shopping trip, but it was worth it, seeing how the rooms turned out. Loved the trip to Pearl Harbor, too. You’ve made Dad happy, Valerie. Like…really frigging happy. He’s almost moonwalking around the house when you’re around.”
Can’t help the messy laugh that snorts out, imagining Flint actually moonwalking.
“I guess I’m just saying…life’s a lot more exciting since you showed up, you know? And, um…” His cheeks flush pink and he gives me a lopsided grin. “I like you. Not boy-girl like, I mean, but…hey, friends?”
This boy.
I love how he’s hit the adorably awkward stage every teenager goes through.
He reaches out his skinny hand. I take it and give it a hearty shake.
“Friends, kidlet. I like you too, Bryce. It’s awesome knowing when I’m appreciated, so thanks for that.”
A short time later, while I’m watching Bryce and Savanny float around on his paddleboard, Flint sits down next to me, swinging his thick legs out on the sand.
“How you holding up?” he asks. “How are your hands?”
My heart skips a beat at his nearness.
I hold up my bandaged hands, which Cash stresses I should keep covered for a few days. “They’ve started healing. I’m alive, it’s a beautiful day, and I’m with you, so…no complaints. How about you? Must feel like you’re back in business again, huh?”
“Yeah, shit, the last forty-eight hours could give my Damysus days a good run.” He smiles, looking off at the sailboats along the horizon. “But I like feeling useful again. Forgot how much I enjoyed playing defense, fiddling around with technology and assessing buildings for weaknesses. Hope your brother appreciates his new fortress. He’s not a total asshole, I guess.”
I snicker. “Actually, though…I hope he doesn’t get too sucked into his own legal situation. We still need to have words.”
“Yeah, babe. He did the right thing in the end. Any judge worth their salt won’t make him do hard time for past sins. Still, it doesn’t excuse the past. Can’t make up for years of you being treated like a fucking shoe.” He reaches for my hand, pushing those big fingers through mine, and squeezes with a warmth that goes to my soul.
“Those days are done. After almost dying ten freaking times, life’s too short to let anybody push me around. I don’t care who they are.”
“Don’t think anybody could ever move you again, Val. You’re too smart, and now you’ve got one hell of a backbone.” He leans over, brushing his lips below my ear, and whispers, “Fun fact: stronger also means sexier, woman.”
I close my eyes, relishing his heat, drawing a deep breath.
I wish I could just enjoy his heat without feeling fogged up with worries.
“Thanks, but…I don’t know about this, Flint. I’m having second thoughts. Maybe your friend Anderson was right. Should we be in witness protection? A real one, I mean? By staying here, I’m just pulling everyone else in deeper to this total clusterfrack.” Opening my eyes, I have to swallow a sudden lump of guilt in my throat when I see Bryce and Savanny on the water, so content and carefree. “What if something happens to them?”