Page 28 of Accidental Shield
“Like it?” she asks, giggling. “I know you do. I can tell by the way you’re smiling.”
“It’s tasty,” I admit. “Kade and Kael know their stuff.”
She takes another half-orgasmic bite and then holds the stick to my mouth again. “Want some more?”
“All yours, honey. I’m saving room for the shrimp.”
She shrugs. “Suit yourself. This’ll be ancient history by the time we get to those plates.”
“That’s fine, I bought it for you.”
“Thanks again. Thank you very much.” She takes another bite. “It’s absolutely yummy.”
Yummy? She’s in fucking rapture.
I don’t dare let my eyes wander to her lips.
Val finishes the cheesecake just as I turn off the road onto the long driveway running up to the private beach. The same man I bought my land from owns this stretch of coast.
It was a tough choice for me to make when it came time to buy. In the end, I went with my place because it’s on a more protected shore. This property is on the north side, where storms can get stronger.
It hasn’t sold yet, and I know the owner won’t care if we use the secluded beach to eat our lunch and spend some time where Valerie doesn’t need to think about the past.
After I park, we both get out and walk up the small embankment. It helps protect the land from waves that can grow insanely strong sometimes.
We reach the top of the knoll, and she gasps.
“Flint—look!” Her hand arcs out, pointing at something in the distance.
I follow her awestruck stare. There are at least a dozen huge sea turtles lounging on the fine beach sand, sprawled out nearly as far as I can see.
“They’re Greens,” she says quietly, “I think they’re nesting. They nest up to nine times a year.”
I frown. There’s an eerie sensation tickling my spine at her knowledge.
I just fed her a load of bull about the turtle tours. Yet, she seems to know more than I’d think.
“The leatherbacks don’t nest this time of year,” she continues, “and most of the others usually come ashore at night to nest.”
“You’re the turtle expert,” I tell her, nodding.
Her jaw drops as she looks at me. “Wow. Maybe I am. That just all popped into my head.” A full, toothy smile shows then. “Flint…thank you for bringing me here. It’s working, this little trip. It’s helping me remember.”
Just great. Sweat beads on my brow, wondering what her brain will pull next.
“I’m sure there’s more,” she says excitedly. “Let’s sit over there in the shade, so we can watch them while we eat.” Glancing back at me as she walks, she adds, “We need to stay far enough away to not disturb them. State law.”
“Yeah, honey. I know.”
We sit in the sand and tuck into our shrimp, rice, mac salad, and grilled pineapple slices right out of the boxes. Between happy bites, she chatters away about turtles, things I never knew.
Her excitement grows with each new tidbit and factoid falling out of her.
We stay seated after the food is long gone and the trash is bagged up, sipping on the bottles of water that came with the meal and watching the turtles moving languidly.
I’m only half listening now. She’s going on about green turtle mating rituals.
Something I don’t fucking need to think about right now.
We’re alone on a secluded beach, the sun hanging lower in the sky by the minute, and she’s wildly attractive. Enticing. Hot as fuck.
It doesn’t do my dick any favors, the more animated she gets.
Hell, she’s going to hate my guts when she finds out this is all a sham.
“We should go,” I tell her rather abruptly while standing up.
She frowns slightly but nods. “Okay. Sounds good.”
Feeling like a jerk for interrupting her, I say, “Cash should be due by the house soon for your evening checkup.”
She nods again, this time with more intent. Then she looks at the turtles. “All right. We don’t want to scare them off, either.”
I collect the bag and take her hand as she stands. I don’t expect her to thread her fingers through mine while we walk back up the small incline and down the other side.
Finally, I open the truck door for her and set the trash bag in the back seat.
There’s a glint in her eye as she lays a hand on the side of my jaw. “Thank you, Flint. I really mean it. Feels like old times…I think. I’m glad I got to spend this beautiful evening with you.”
“Yeah. Old times,” I whisper, my blood turning to magma.
Oh, but she’s not done.
I hold my breath, tell myself to step the fuck away as she stretches up on her toes, leaning into me.
But I can’t. So what the hell?
I’m already in so deep, one little kiss won’t make much difference.
That’s what I tell myself when my mouth finds hers, and I realize I couldn’t be more wrong.