Page 118 of Court of Beasts
“Luc.” I rock harder, my desire coming back with a flaming pain until I’m riding him desperately, chasing another release, and then I cry out as my release takes hold again. His gaze traps me as I shake on his cock, and when I slump, he rolls us, pushing me into the dirt as he fucks my limp body. He lets out a bellow and stills, spilling inside me.
Dirt covers my body, along with my blood and leaves, but I can’t help but smile in satisfaction.
The best kind of fuck is dirty and bloody, and it seems my hunters have embraced all that comes with being a wolf.
Even the desires, and it’s oh so delicious.
I’m laughing as we wander from the tree line towards the pack, a wicked grin covering my lips that matches theirs. I slide to a stop when I see a grim-faced White and Dom waiting for me. Instantly, I’m in alpha mode, all traces of pleasure and fun gone.
“What happened?”
“Tetrim is gone,” White growls. “None of us realised he was missing during the chaos of the battle or the aftermath, but it’s clear he’s been gone awhile.”
I try to think back to the last time I saw him. It was when I removed his teeth with a warning. I don’t remember seeing him since, and although he usually sulks and licks his wounds, it is not like him to stay gone for this long. Between the battle, Jang, and coming back, I didn’t even notice his absence.
“You don’t think . . . ,” Dom trails off. “You don’t think he helped them, do you?”
“The hunters said they had an inside source. Could it be him?” Vale asks. “They knew exactly where to go?—”
“It’s him,” I snarl. “I defeated him one too many times, and he decided to get his revenge. He betrayed the pack.”
“What do we do?” White asks. Despite his age, he defers to my leadership, and I know he did it on purpose.
“We cannot track him down, not tonight with Jang’s burial. Put out a notice. He’s not allowed on pack land. If he’s caught, he’s to be brought to us, not allowed to wander free,” I warn. “Then tomorrow . . . Tomorrow we will find him. Tonight, we grieve.”
The reminder of what’s coming sobers me. Tonight, I say goodbye to another father. Tonight, we send him to the moon and our goddess beyond.
No, there is no time for hunting today, but if Tetrim betrayed our pack, then he will die like a traitor.
The moon is high, and the pack is sombre. It is time.
My father lies on a stone bench in the clearing. Wildflowers dot the hill he sits on, which is as close to the moon as we can get. It shines on his skin, which a pack member has taken time to clean and make him look as peaceful as possible.
Our pack history, gifted by the goddess, lies across him. The black tapestry shines brightly with incandescent blue writing and drawings as it covers him from chin to feet, trailing to the ground on either side of him.
I take in the sight, allowing my heart to break once more. I feel every hard edge and let it wash through me and out into our pack.
I squeeze Marie’s hand before taking my spot before him. For now, I’m acting alpha, and so it is my right.
Standing before the pack, I allow my voice to ring out true, albeit slightly warbled due to my grief.
“The trees bend in their grief for us, the land flows with forgiveness, and the goddess looks down on us, reminding us this is the end in this life, but not all.” I swallow. “We are bornfrom the moon and gifted to the Earth. We are creatures of beauty and history. Our life span is short, but we live so well, and Jang did that. He lived well. He lived for us, his pack, and for his wife, his mate.” I look at my mother as she stands tall, tears rolling down her cheeks. “And for me, his daughter. Jang was a kind man, a good man, albeit a bit grumpy at times.” There’s some laughter. “But when he loved, he loved strongly, and what he claimed, he claimed for eternity. There is no other I would follow, no other I would bend my knee for. He is and always will be my alpha . . . my father.”
I look out at all the faces, knowing they feel it too. “Tonight, we feel a grief so big, it seems insurmountable. We have lost so much, but we are still here, and as we are, so is their memory, their legacy.” I glance back at Jang, throwing all my love into the look.
“Tonight, we consign him to the moon. We send them back to our goddess with our gratitude for such a pure, loving soul. We know that our love comes with a price—pain. We take it gladly, for it meant he was here, he was alive, and he was loved.” I bow my head, kneeling before my father.
“We carry you always.”
The chant is repeated through the crowd as the moon’s rays fall upon Jang, making him glow brightly.
“We are one. We are pack,” I add as the new words spread out like a prayer. “Tonight, tomorrow, and forever, we will keep you with us. Until we meet again within the moon, we carry you always.” I bend my head, repeating it with the pack before I stand.
Marie comes around the other side, taking the edge of the tapestry, and I grab the other. Slowly, we lift it, covering his head. When we step back, it begins to glow brighter and brighter, and I kneel.
“We beg you, goddess, to take our alpha and keep him safe until we meet again. Goddess, keep him in your heart and moon, and make it so he hurts no more. Goddess, we beg you.”