Page 120 of Court of Beasts
I go to check on my mum first, but I find her serving food at the gym. I grab some toast, eating it as I watch her.
“She’s okay,” White murmurs at my side. “She needs to stay busy right now, let her.”
“Are you sure?” I ask.
“I am. Come, let’s walk.” I follow him out as I eat the rest. “Did you know I was nearly mated once?”
My head swings his way, and he grins at my astonishment. “I take that as a no.” He chuckles. “Most don’t speak of it out of worry it will upset me. It was a very long time ago, and I was young, barely twenty years old. She was from a different pack, and we met at a summit. My father was alpha then, before Jang, and we had grown up together. I was supposed to be alpha, but I never wanted to be, so when I met her, it was like I found my place. I moved to her pack to be with her, and we were supposedto mate at the end of the year. She had just turned nineteen and wanted to celebrate her birthday. I was weak to anything she wanted, so I agreed. A few of us snuck out to a local human club. We drank and danced. It was the best night of our young lives . . . until it wasn’t.” I peer at him as he walks, seeing agony in his eyes.
“You don’t have to tell me.” I clutch his hand. Either way, I feel his need for comfort now.
He pats it, smiling sadly. “I do. Anyway, on the way back, we stumbled into a feral’s nest. We didn’t even know one was there. Her father did and was in the process of hunting them, that’s why he kept warning everyone to stay home, but we were young and stupid and didn’t listen.” His hand drifts to his scar. “Only two of us made it out that night. I was one . . . She was not the other.”
I swallow hard as we stop, the sun filtering through the canopy of trees and caressing us. “I took her body with me. I was so broken and numb. I tried to bring her back, I tried everything, but she was lost to me. I could have given in and died with her, but I knew she would have hated that. She was all about living, about experiencing everything, and she would have hated me giving up just to follow her. I had one year with her, Quinn, but it was enough to last me a lifetime. There will never be any other for me. How could there be when she took my heart with her?
“I will wait for her until the next life, Quinn. What is twenty more years? What I’m trying to say is, your mother will never get over her mate. She cannot, but she can live if she wishes to. It feels almost like a half-life, but it is better than nothing, so let her live, give her reasons to. For the first two months after, I spent every day building houses from sunup to well after sundown. Your father, my friend, never stopped me. He just understood, and most days, he would build at my side. He never asked, never complained, until one night, I just started cryingand he held me. When the sun rose, he told me it was time to stop building now and start living, and I did, for him and this pack who supported me at my lowest.”
He turns to me. “Your father was my best friend, he was my brother, and he was an amazing alpha, but more than that, his favourite roles were mate and father. He loved you both more than I ever knew anyone was capable of loving. That kind of love leaves a mark. He will always be with you, Quinn, and until the goddess claims me back for my mate, I will be here with you, at your side, where he should be. When you and your mum are ready to stop building, I will be here.”
“Thank you.” I lean up and kiss his cheek. “She was lucky to love you, even for a short time, and I have no doubt she is waiting for you on the other side, my friend.”
He swallows, rubbing at my hair. “Go on, off with you. I’m sure you have a lot to do. I’ll call the meeting you mentioned last night for later today.”
“Thank you.” I smile at him as I head deeper into pack land. His story reminds me why I’m still moving, still living.
My first stop is to the healers’ hut. Our pack healer and doctors are busy at work, looking after those who were hurt in the battle, and it’s about time I helped. The door is open, so I slip into the wooden building. Inside, there is a collection of wood and stone with a fireplace burning to keep everyone warm. The beds are separated by bright curtains on either side of the long room, and pack members bustle from bed to bed. Some are sitting up in their beds, while some are asleep and in worse shape.
“Alpha.” A nurse named Toma bows.
“Don’t let me interrupt.” I wave him on. “I’m just here to help where I can.”
“I’m sure simply seeing you will help,” he replies. “Erm, if you’ll excuse me . . .” He looks down at the bedpan, his nosewrinkling ever so slightly, and I nod as he hurries past to empty it. Moving deeper into the room, I peek into the first curtain.
There’s a young female there. Her face is familiar, but her name escapes me. She is sitting up, though, and smiles brightly at me despite the bandage covering one eye. “Quinn—Alpha,” she corrects, wincing, her smile dimming for a second before it grows once more. “It’s a surprise to see you. I’m sorry about your loss.” She becomes sad. “He was an excellent alpha.”
“Thank you. How are you?” I ask, pointing at her eye.
“Ah, arrow to the eye. Hurt like a fucking bit—a lot.” She coughs, wincing once more, which makes me grin. “They said they couldn’t save it, but hey, I can wear an eye patch, right?” She looks at me hopefully. “It won’t affect my wolf, will it? Never mind, I made the choice to fight. I’m okay and much less hurt than some, so please ignore my complaints.”
Sitting in the vacant chair next to her, I grip her hand and smile. “I don’t think it will affect your wolf, and you are not complaining. You were hurt protecting your pack. You did an incredible thing, choosing to fight, especially at such a young age. I can’t change you getting hurt, but I might be able to help with your eye if you will let me.”
She blinks, and I hear her heart skip a beat. “You can?” Despite her bravado, it’s clear she’s worried about losing it and what that means. “I heard rumours you could heal, but I didn’t know?—”
“Shh, let me?”
She nods eagerly, closing her other eye trustingly.
Leaning closer to her, I lay my hand across her injured eye, ignoring her slight inhale. “Relax,” I command, and she does so.
I close my eyes, bringing that feeling forward and pushing it directly into her eye. I control how much, needing to keep some to heal others. It’s a strange feeling. I can feel her eye, ragged and flat under the bandage, and it slowly starts to round out.When I pull back, she’s gasping and crying. Her hands fly to the bandage, and she rips it off, waving her hand in front of her healed eye. It’s a different colour than her other one, blue now, and I wince. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would change colour. It’s blue.”
“Are you kidding me? You gave me my eye back!” She throws herself at me, sobbing. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I hold her as she cries, rubbing her back, and when she sits back, she’s smiling brightly. “Besides, blue is epic.”
Chuckling, I stand. “Glad I could help. I’m going to see if I can help any others now.”
“Alpha,” she calls as I turn. “Thank you. I don’t regret fighting for this pack. I would do it again if needed. We all would.”
“I hope it doesn’t come to that,” I tell her, “but thank you.”