Page 122 of Court of Beasts
He grinds his teeth for a minute. “Suppose I can’t stop you, nor could I stop you from reading that book there out loud.” I glance to the bedside table to see a worn copy of Jane Austen’sPride and Prejudice. Grinning, I pick it up.
“I pegged you as more of aWuthering Heightsman.” I open the book to the marked page and settle back, starting to read out loud. Sometimes, that’s all you can do—sit here and be with someone.
Hours pass like this before I close the book and lay it on the side table. “I can pick up where we left off tomorrow if you like?” He was quiet the entire time, but he watched me, listening intently despite the pain he is in. It’s obvious his wounds are extensive, though I’m not sure what they are since he’s bundled up under the sheets.
He watches me as I set the book down. “You’re not giving up, are you? Your father had that same annoying habit.”
“I guess I’m more like him than I realised then.” I smile. “I’m not giving up on anything or anyone. You are part of this pack, so how about you stop being so pig-headed and determined to do this alone and let me save you? That way, you can go back to scaring everyone and reading your books. There is more to life than waiting to die, just like you don’t have to do this alone. I won’t even tell anyone if you want. Just let me do this, if not for you than for me. I’ve lost enough. Do not make me bury another body.”
It’s a low move, but it’s the truth, and he sighs. “Fucking family of yours.” He watches me. “It won’t hurt you?”
“No, I’ll just be tired after, but I will recover quickly,” I promise, and that tells me what type of man he is. He was worried for me, even as he’s dying.
“Okay.” He blows out a breath. “How do we do this?”
“Just relax. Can I take your hand?” He swallows hard and holds it out, wiping it on the bed.
“Sorry, it’s scarred from years of?—”
I grip it solidly, squeezing. “Close your eyes,” I murmur. “When you open them again, then you will be back to scaring children.”
He chuckles with a moan before his eyes close. Holding his hand, I close mine too.
I push my healing magic into his hand and down into his body. He gasps but holds on as I push it deeper, healing every wound I find, which is many. I don’t know how this man isn’t dead, never mind sitting up and giving me shit. It takes a while and lots of healing until I’m happy he’s out of the worst of it.
When I open my eyes, I find him watching me. “You are incredible,” he murmurs. “I saw the moon trapped in your skin. No wonder Jang picked you for alpha.”
“Some people don’t agree,” I admit. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I have in years.” He sits up without a wince. “Thank you, Quinn, and ignore those fools. You might be young, but no one would have gone head-to-head with me, not even your father. You’re a force of nature. Remind them of that when they doubt you.” I stand then, smiling. “And maybe, every now and again, you could come by and read with me,” he mutters. “Maybe I don’t need to be alone all the time, and maybe you could use a quiet place to retreat to.”
“I’d like that,” I reply. “You can teach me the classics.” I nod at his book. “I’ll bring some of the new romance ones I read. I think you’ll like them. They are spicy.” I wiggle my eyebrows, making him laugh.
“Go on, kid. Go lead the pack and shit, and I’ll see you later.”
I leave, tired but with a smile on my face that no one can take away.
The meeting is taking place near the lake. My house is too small to host it, and we need as much privacy as we can get. I lean backinto the grass, my eyes on the water, not wanting to look at the gaps in our ranks.
Jang, Tetrim, Filmea.
So many.
Speaking of . . . “Are we sure he is gone?” I ask, filling the silence. So far, we have spoken about patrols just in case there is retaliation from the hunters, but I think they will be too busy licking their wounds. We’ve talked about pack relocation and housing, all the boring bits that come with being alpha. No wonder Jang was always annoyed. We’ve been at it two hours and barely made any headway.
“Yes,” Dom answers. “His scent here is old, and there is no sign of him. He’s gone. We think he betrayed us to the hunters.”
I nod, knowing he’s right. “Which means he’s probably still with them. He knows our defences, our routes . . . We need to change it up so he cannot inform them again. Switch routes around, add new defences, and make it so he’s useless to them.”
“Will do.” White nods.
“We need to make sure he’s there with them,” I mutter as a plan comes to mind.
“We need to schedule the alpha ceremony as well as appoint two new betas,” White reminds me.
“Later.” I groan as I stand and stretch. “I’m going hunting for a traitor. I’ll be back.”
“You are alpha now,” White says with a frown.