Page 133 of Court of Beasts
Another one goes off a minute later as we hear the hunters run out front to see what is happening.
Jai winks at me. “There she is.”
I turn to see Quinn racing from the cover of trees, and I send a prayer up to the moon.
Let this work.
While the idiots race to the explosions out front, we run to the side of the building. I watch in awe as Quinn flings herself halfway up the side before slamming her claws into the brick and using it to climb. I wait at the bottom as the fifteen wolves with us follow, and only then do I leap after them.
We are on the roof before the last explosion rocks the earth.
We wait for a moment to see if any alarms go off, but when they don’t, we move to the skylights, spreading out across the roof. I tilt my head, listening, and the moment I hear the back door being slammed open by Jai and Lucien, I leap at the skylight I stand above.
I crash through the glass, effortlessly falling before landing on my feet on the upper level. Crashes sound all around us as the others follow suit. A hunter who stands at the top of the hallway, staring out the front window to see what’s going on, turns.
He’s too slow, too human, and the wolf closest to him grabs his throat and snaps his neck before he can so much as utter a word.
“Change,” Quinn commands, her voice husky with her alpha power.
The hallway fills with the sounds of snapping bones and growls until, moments later, it’s filled with snarling, angry wolves. Quinn winks at me and then changes while she throwsherself over the stairway to meet the oncoming hunters, brought up here by the crashes.
I follow suit. I take off as a human and land on a hunter as a wolf, my jaws snapping around his head and crushing it as he screams. I rip it off and turn, seeing Quinn with a heart in her mouth, the hunter frozen before her with his chest ripped open.
She prowls closer, rubbing against me before heading down the stairs, wolves flowing down after us. I quickly catch up, wanting to be at her side to keep her safe, though she is more likely keeping me safe.
Reaching the bottom floor, we see the front door open, with some confused hunters trying to put out the flames, but then we turn when we hear fighting to find more filling the hallway, the basement door ajar.
We meet Lucien, Jai, and the other wolves in the hallway. They are fighting a mass of hunters, trying to push them back and out, but the hunters are so focused, they don’t hear us coming up behind them. Their screams fill the air as we attack.
My eyes are splashed with blood, almost blinding me, and I ignore a searing pain in my hind leg as someone stabs me, but I feel them falling as Lucien pushes on, and within minutes, they are all dead, their bodies mutilated.
I turn to the basement and nod at Quinn.
This is where it will become difficult.
They will have heard us coming, so they will be prepared. Any hunters who are down there will shoot to kill, and we are their targets.
With Vale at my side and Lucien and Jai at our backs, we start down the staircase leading to the basement. The guys already explained that this will be the hunters’ last stand, their fortress. It’s not going to be easy, but if we clear this and get rid of them, then we are safe.
I hesitate at the bottom of the stairs. Something feels off.
A shot explodes through the plaster above my head, and I duck with a growl. They are shooting at the stairs, so we won’t get through without getting hit. I glance at Vale, unsure what to do. I’m fast, but I don’t know if I’m that fast.
I crouch down and peek around the corner as quickly as I can, jerking my head back as another shot rings out. There are at least thirty hunters lined up behind overturned tables, their guns aimed at the stairs.
Beyond them is a corridor that travels deeper into the building, leading to their meeting and security rooms, where there could be more.
The truth is, they have us trapped, but so are they.
They have to come out sometime or let their guard down, but waiting gives them time to gather more reinforcements.
I search Vale’s eyes for an idea, needing something to break their ranks, when a human hand shoots past me. Blinking, I glance up at Lucien, and he smiles as he holds out a round object and winks at me. “Be ready.” He pulls a pin and throws it.
I wait, but there’s no explosion. There is, however, a bright flash, and he barks, “Go!”
We surge from the stairs, seeing the hunters ducking and rubbing their eyes, blinded by the flash, and I quickly take in the room for vantage points. They’ve created a bottleneck, but if we get over their flimsy defences, then we can get behind them.