Page 135 of Court of Beasts
Wolves cry out in pain as blades and bullets cut through their bodies, and I roar, leaping into the fray as we turn to attack them. They use the doors as shields, popping in and out, so I fling my body at one, knocking it off its hinges, and Jai surgesinto the room. Hunters’ screams ring out, making me grin as I see Lucien and Vale doing the same.
The madness subsides, and our wolves regroup, seeing what we are doing and copying. I have to jump over a fallen wolf’s body, and grief chokes me for a moment before I lunge into a room. It looks like what used to be a classroom, and there are two hunters reloading their guns.
Before they can finish and kill more of my people, I leap onto a desk and then onto them, clawing through one while I rip the other’s throat out, watching blood spray over the forgotten whiteboard. Turning, I hurry back, grab a gun, and run into the corridor.
I might be a wolf, but Vale spent three hours showing me how to work one last night, so I take aim. I miss the first time. Blowing out a breath, I pull the trigger over and over, careful not to hit any wolves. I hit arms and chests, knocking hunters back to allow my wolves time to get to them without being shot. When I fire and one’s head explodes, I blink but keep shooting.
No wonder hunters love guns so much. It’s death in my hands.
Once the gun clicks empty, I toss it at a hunter coming towards me. It smashes into his face, bursting his nose as he yells, and then I throw my human body at him, riding him to the floor as my hands change to claws and I hit him with them. His head jerks to the side with each slash as blood flows across the floor and walls, and when he stops moving below me, I stand, my claws dripping with blood.
I watch a hunter drag his human nails across the floor with a scream as Vale jerks him backwards into a room, and his screams suddenly cut off into a gurgle. Stepping over the bodies, I head back to the room at the end of the death-trap corridor.
It’s a huge room with chairs spaced out before a stage, which has a board and maps across it. There is a table of forgedweapons and traps hanging from the ceiling. I see a door to the left, which is the security room if I remember correctly.
At the back of the room is Tetrim. He’s in a cage, in human form, his eyes wide with anger and shock. “Quinn,” he whispers.
“Traitor,” I hiss, my nostrils flaring. “I’ll deal with you later.” I point a clawed hand at him as I spin and slice through the neck of a hunter trying to sneak up on me. I look back at the room, counting four hunters in here.
They are terrified but determined as they clutch their weapons. They stand near the cage, and in their eyes, I see the truth.
They know they are going to die.
Lucien, Vale, and Jai step up to my sides, and I bury my fingers into their fur as I smirk at the hunters. “Drop the guns and I won’t make it hurt too much,” I promise.
“Come closer and he’s dead.” One points his gun at Tetrim, whose mouth drops open.
“I’m on your side! I helped you!” he roars at the hunters.
“Kill him. You’ll be doing him a favour because when I kill him, I am going to rip him limb from limb until he chokes on his own blood and pain,” I purr as I nudge Lucien and Jai. They stalk into the room, Vale in the middle. The hunters swing their guns back and forth, unsure whom to aim at, and I snarl.
“Aim at me,” I tell them. “Are you aiming at my mates?”
“They were hunters!” a big, scarred man snaps.
“And now they are mine,” I purr. “But don’t worry, I won’t turn you. I’ll rip out your heart and bathe in your blood.”
He swallows, swinging his gun up to me, and my mates snarl in unison, their hackles rising.
“They didn’t like that.” I chuckle as I step farther into the room. “I think?—”
I jerk with the force of the bullet as it hits me but quickly straighten, my eyes going to the hole in my side. I dig my clawinto the wound, hissing as I fish out the bullet and drop it to the floor. The hole quickly heals, and he swears, firing twice more. One hits my arm, the other my shoulder. Laughing, I dig out the bullets and drop them, wiping away the blood to show the healed wounds.
“Hunter, I am a creature of moonlight. I am a beast, the monster you fear. Your bullets cannot kill me, but just for that, I’ll make it hurt.” I smile evilly. “Boys, make it hurt.”
More wolves slink to my side as Lucien, Vale, and Jai leap at the hunters.
Their screams fill the air as my mates rip them apart while they are still alive for daring to hurt me.
I head straight to the cage. “You betrayed our pack, our people,” I murmur, staring into his familiar eyes. No matter your differences, you do not betray family. “I knew you were a fool, but not how much. Because of you, our people are dead. Our alpha is dead.”
He jerks at that, shocked.
“My father is dead,” I yell into his face. “Why?”
“For you,” he whispers. “It was always supposed to be you and me. I thought if I could get rid of those hunters and show you who I was, you would accept me. I didn’t expect them to go so overboard.”
“You fucking fool. Your own hate blinded you.” I grip the bars. “I told them I would make it hurt, and I meant it. I will leave you here, surrounded by bodies, and you will either starve or go mad. Maybe even more hunters will find you, but you will be alone, remembering all the death you caused until your wolf is gone.”