Page 139 of Court of Beasts
“What are you?” he asks.
“Me? I am just a beast, just like those.” I nod at the forest, guided by a deeper power, and together, we turn and watch as beasts pour from the darkened depths, called forth by my pain and anger. They surge into the clearing with their own battle cries.
Feral wolves.
Ancient, wild creatures.
A huge, lumbering shadow of darkness that I have never felt nor seen before.
They rally and leap at the hunters with their own war cries, coming to avenge, defend, and save.
The hunters don’t stand a chance. My gaze sweeps over the mismatched beasts, my eyes catching on the one who seems to be made of darkness and shadows. When I meet its bright red eyes, they are dead.
Ignoring the death magic within it since it answered my call, I focus on Black.
For a moment, I begin to look for Vale and Lucien, but my heart knows if they are lost, then I will simply collapse. Instead, I move over to the now terrified hunter. He turns to me.
“You did this,” he hisses. “It dies with you.”
I dodge the first bullet, then the next, until I stand before him, and then I smash my fist into his face. He falls back with a shout, his gun clattering across the ground as pixies giggle, yanking at his hair and face, leaving scratches across him as he screams.
“Enough, this one is mine,” I order.
A small female pixie turns to me, her multicoloured hair shining brightly. “As you wish, moon child. There is enough flesh to go around.” With a bell-like noise, she flies into the air, her horde following to eat and attack other hunters.
Black is bleeding as he clambers to his knees, panting as he glares up at me.
I stop before him, pinching his chin as I tilt his head farther back.
“You are right. We are monsters and beasts, so fucking what?” I sneer. “These beasts? We are going to rule this world, and nobody will remember you.” Without further fanfare, I slice across his neck, stepping back to watch him choke on his own blood.
He deserved a slower, more painful death, but exhaustion is starting to kick in as whatever power kept me upright flees. I watch the beasts finish off the rest of the hunters before they wander back into the forest without a word.
“Thank you,” I whisper after them, begging the earth to carry it to them.
Turning, I find Vale and Lucien at Jai’s side, and I fall to my knees, my strings cut. Bleeding and hurt, I crawl to him like hecrawled to me, and once there, I lift him into my arms, pressing my lips to his cold forehead.
“Wake up,” I demand, infusing the words with whatever power I have left.
My tears blind me as I rock him in my arms.
“Quinn, he’s dead,” Vale whispers, his voice choked.
“Baby.” Lucien reaches for me, but I jerk away, holding Jai in my arms.
He’s dead. He’s dead.
Jai is dead.
He’s gone. I feel it. I feel his empty shell of a body. I push my magic into him to try and heal him, but it’s too late. They are right.
He’s dead.