Page 161 of Court of Beasts
Marie spots us and hurries over. White is at her side, which is becoming normal. I think they have bonded over heartbreak, and it’s sweet. “There you are.” She grins. “I wondered how long it would last.”
“Hi, Mum.” She kisses her cheek, and Marie tilts her head, a happy grin covering her lips.
“Finally,” her mum murmurs. “You have finally found your happiness, my girl. This calls for a celebration.”
“No,” Quinn starts.
“It is not every day our alpha mates,” Marie snaps.
“Mother, I am only acting alpha.” Quinn sighs.
Marie waves it away, a knowing look in her eyes—one we all have. No matter what Quinn thinks, she is alpha, and I have no doubt her pack will appoint her as such before long. It’s where she belongs, where she has always belonged. Jang knew it, the goddess knew it, and so do we.
She was always destined to lead and protect others. It’s where she thrives.
“Either way, I will make the announcement. Have you eaten?” She looks us over critically.
“Yes, ma’am.” I nod. “My brother cooked.”
“Good. You better take care of my girl,” she warns us. “Now, go show your faces. The pack will be waiting anxiously.”
Her and White bend their heads together as she waves us on. Taking Quinn’s other hand, I lead her away as she groans. “My mother . . .” She shakes her head.
“Loves you,” I tell her. “She loves you so much she stayed for you. Let her be happy while she can.”
“You’re right.” She shoots me a frown. “I don’t like it when you’re right.”
“Sorry, baby. I’ll make sure to be wrong from now on.” I grin.
“Stop fucking grinning,” she mutters. There’s my Quinn.
“Sorry, Quinn, no can do, not with you at my side.” I wink.
“Fucking cheese ball. I liked you better as an asshole.”
Leaning in, I lick my bite mark as she gasps. “Then I’ll be an asshole for you later. I’ll order this sweet ass to crawl for me until I fill it while you beg.”
“I don’t beg, ever,” she snarls, her nostrils flaring.
“Sure, baby, we’ll see,” I murmur.
We get stopped by a few wolves, and I watch my girl as she handles each issue they have. They flock to her, looking for guidance. She shines so brightly with life and strength, how could they not?
When we reach the pack house, she gasps, her hands covering her lips.
They are rebuilding it, and during the few days we have been gone, they have mapped out the structure and started. They have kept it nearly identical to the original pack house at our and Marie’s urgings.
“I know Jang had his office in there. We all thought you might like to rebuild it and make it yours to feel close to him.” She turns to me, her eyes watery, and I carry on. “We can have a room in there, though I’m betting we’ll go home often, sincethere’s more room to make noise.” I lick my bottom lip at the reminder of how loud we get, and her eyes flare before turning back to the house.
“It won’t be the same,” she offers sadly.
“No, nothing will be,” I agree, wrapping my arms around her from behind and resting my chin on her head. “But it will represent our past and future together. It will be a place of memories and healing—a new symbol of hope. I think we could all do with that.”
“True,” she whispers. “What if I can’t live up to him?”
Turning her, I cup her cheeks and stare into her beautifully flecked eyes, memorising the amber there. “You are an incredible woman, Quinn, but moreover, you will be an incredible leader. I know because I have seen terrible ones, but you are not one of them. You are willing to sacrifice yourself for your people and do what it takes to keep them safe. They know that. That’s why they look to you for guidance. You’ll make mistakes, but we will be right here at your side to help you work through them. I wish I could bring your father back so he could help you through this, but I can’t. We will, however, work to help you in the way he would. He would be so proud of you, Quinn.”
“You think?” She blinks, and I catch the tear falling from her eye and kiss it away.