Page 165 of Court of Beasts
“My Quinn,” my father rumbles, smiling at Jang. “Our daughter, we are so very proud of you, never forget that. Lead with your heart, and you will never be wrong.” He glances behind me. “Love so deeply it terrifies you. There is nothing more powerful in this world than love.” He tugs my sister and mum closer. “Even when it is gone, it will remain.”
“I miss you all so much.” I sob.
“I know.” My mum smiles. “We have always been right here, my daughter, and always will be, watching you. We are proud and so very happy to see you growing up.”
“It’s not fair. You should be here.”
“No, my daughter,” Jang murmurs. “This is how it should be. Everything happens for a reason, do not forget that. We are gone, but we are not lost. We live on in you and throughyour actions and stories, and when the end comes, we will be together.”
“Please, please stay,” I beg as they start to disappear.
“We will be in your heart until the end,” my father calls. “Do not forget that.”
“We will see you again, Quinny,” my sister calls and waves happily as they fade, leaving Jang.
“Take care of her and my mate for me,” he calls, and there’s a rumble behind me.
“We will,” my mates vow.
Jang looks at me. “My gift, all those years ago, was you.” My eyes widen. “The goddess came on my appointment night and told me I would have a daughter, one destined for great things. She was so very right. It’s your pack now, Quinn, and I cannot wait to see it blossom under your reign, my alpha.” He kneels. “I love you, Quinny.”
“I love you, Jang.” I sob, placing my hand over my heart.
“It is goodbye, Quinn, but it isn’t forever.” He holds up his hand, and I echo the gesture. I swear I can feel him, and he smiles. “Look after your mum for me, if she will let you. I will see you once more in the moon.” He disappears.
I sob, falling forward, and I feel the metal at my neck heat. I know it’s them. They are here with me, comforting me, and then very real arms wrap around me, holding me as I cry.
“Shh, my love,” Vale murmurs, kissing me. “Listen to the world. Feel it. They are here. They are in the blowing wind, in the creaking trees, in the animals around us. They are here, and they are with you.”
“He’s right.” Lucien kisses my tears away. “And so are we. You will never be alone.”
“Not ever again,” Jai promises, holding me tighter. “It’s us, Quinn, until the end.”
“Who would have thought?” I choke out, wiping at my tears. “Hunters and a wolf.”
That makes them grin, and the moon wraps around us lovingly.
I glance up at it. “Thank you.”
There is no answer, but that is okay. I take my mates’ hands, and I stand there under its rays, knowing it’s all going to be okay. I will grieve, and there will be days when I’ll miss my family more than anything, but I have a family right here, and when the time comes, we will be together again.
They will wait for me until the end.
After all, we are all children of the moon.
“Now, little witch,” the dark voice calls, the husky timbre making me shake.
For a god, he truly is a patient man, being held in my trap for so long. When I set it and cast a summoning spell, I didn’t expect this, but I had nowhere else to turn. The magic in me called something dark, and I need help or it will be the downfall of my coven, my court, and this world as we know it.
“From the beginning once more,” he urges, sitting cross-legged.
He disappeared a few days ago, and I panicked, but he returned, which begs the question—if he can leave, then why hasn’t he?
“I told you,” I say as I pace, “I don’t know how I called it, and neither does the demon that feeds on our magic. When you left, I was trying to rid my coven of it. I thought if I could show them, I could banish the demon and we would be okay, but I called something much worse.” I peer at him. “I called something wrong, something dark . . . something dead. Please, Phrixius, please help me.”
I feel the demon I speak of pushing from the shadows as if the world takes a pause when such evil emerges. A cold chill goesover me as the demon’s heat meets my back. The god stands then, anger furrowing his brow as he meets the demon’s eyes—the eyes of the demon I’ve been haunted by my entire life, the demon I tried to rid myself of before I got all of us in this mess.