Page 32 of Court of Beasts
“Daddy loves you.” He leans forward and kisses me. “Run, my Quinny. Run like the wind, okay?” His eyes turn bright amber. “I will see you again, in this life or the next.” He turns, changing into the big brown wolf I love to cuddle with, making me grin as a feeling of safety wafts over me.
His tail isn’t wagging today, though, and when the wolf leaps at the door with a mighty roar, I start to cry. “Mummy.”
“Shh, Quinn, stay quiet,” she begs, holding the poker out.
Filly wakes as the door smashes in, the sound loud and scary. I cover my ears, even as Filly crawls into my arms and I hold her tight. “It’s okay, sissy. I’ve got you,” I tell her.
Men in black pour through the door, and my dad lunges at them, snarling and biting as they flow in. My mum runs at them, brandishing the poker.
The sound makes me whimper, and I curl around Filly.
“Filly.” I look down, seeing her eyes open wide as they turn bright. “Filly, no!” I scream as Filly turns in my lap, changing into a small brown wolf. With a snarl, she leaps at the men attacking Mummy and Daddy and bites a man’s leg.
I watch in horror as one of them grabs her and throws her into the wall, a sickening thud reaching me. “Filly!” I race to her, crying, when something hits my back. Holding her little wolf body, I pull my hands away and see the blood there. “Mummy, something is wrong. Filly won’t wake up.” I turn when there’s a scream and see my mum fall.
There is a sword through her chest, pinning her to the floor, her stomach arched up and moving with my brother inside. She turns her head to me, tears falling down her face. Blood flows from her mouth as she makes her lips work. “Run, Quinn.”
There’s an agonised roar as my father shakes off the men on him and barrels through them to me. He grabs me then tosses me. I fly through the air with a scream, smashing through the wall in the office to the hallway beyond. Climbing to my feet, I peer into the hole to see the wolf backing up, protecting it, and when he turns to me, I see his silent words.
“Run, Quinny!”
I glance at my mummy, who isn’t moving, then to Filly, who also isn’t moving, as my dad roars and the men move closer. Sobbing, I turn and run.
I snap awake with a scream, my hand going to my heart and then drifting up to my face to feel the tears there. I don’t know when I changed back, but I did.
I’m as human as I was then. I never understood why I wasn’t able to change until after that night. Maybe if I had been able to earlier, I could have saved them?—
“Bad dream?” Lucien asks kindly, but I cannot take it.
I change back into my wolf, unable to look at him without seeing my mum, dad, and Filly, not to mention my brother who was never born.
Filly never got to grow up, run with the pack, fall in love and mate, and find her happiness. Mum and Dad never got the peace they wanted and a house overflowing with pups and people. All that devastation was because of men like the one I saved.
The one who saved me.
We are equal now. He saved me, and I saved his brother.
Now, nothing stands in the way of me killing them all.
When they come back, Vale eyes me with a frown, noting my snarl. His eyes cut to Lucien, and I see a question in his gaze.
“How did it go?” Lucien asks instead.
“It was a massacre. Ten dead. Half of the bodies were eaten so we couldn’t even identify who they were. We tried to help them track whatever did it, but it was long gone. Boss has assigned half the unit to track and kill it since so many humans are in danger, but he was suspicious about what was happening with us and where you were. We don’t have much time.”
“So let’s kill her now,” Jai snarls.
Lucien looks at me, as does Vale. “Not yet, we still need?—”
“What? We can draw the pack out with her dead body. They’ll smell her. Stop making excuses just because you want to stick your dick in that monster?—”
“Enough!” Vale roars, and Jai’s mouth snaps shut. “I am sick of you questioning me. If you have a problem, submit a request to transfer, otherwise be quiet.”
Jai stares at him in shock, as if he has never heard him lose his temper before. “Fine, I will after this mission. You are not the man I thought you were.”
With one last glare at me, Jai heads out again, no doubt to kill innocent animals or some psycho shit.