Page 57 of Court of Beasts
I swallow my rebuttal and my disappointment. What did he see? I can’t even tell him what Jai told me because he won’t listen right now.
“Whatever I have done to earn your distrust, Alpha, I am sorry.” I lower to my knees, my head bowed. I feel pain in my heart from his anger as well as him relieving me of my duties I have worked so hard for.
“It isn’t that I don’t trust you, Quinn.” He sighs. “Just do this for me.”
“Yes, Alpha,” I respond dutifully.
I hear him inhale in pain. “Quinny?—”
“Am I excused, Alpha?” I ask.
There’s a long stretch of silence. “Yes, you’re excused.”
Standing without looking at him, I turn and leave, hiding the tears in my eyes. My father, my alpha, doesn’t trust me, and the worst bit is, I don’t trust myself.
What’s happening?
I hide in my cabin, ashamed and angry at myself. How could I have been so careless as to fall asleep?
As for talking to him? He is a hunter, and these are my people.
How could I?
Screaming into my duvet, I flip over, holding the ragged picture to my chest. Worst of all, I hurt Jang. I disappointed a man who saved me and raised me as his own. I am a fool. How can I be an alpha if I can’t handle this?
Why is my wolf on edge and restless?
Fighting my tears, I flop my arm over my face. Everything is so fucking messed up.
There is a hesitant knock at the door, and I peer over to see Dom. “Need a cuddle?”
I nod frantically. Wolves need contact. The heat and smell of another body is comforting, and right now, I need that. I don’t ask how Dom knows, Jang probably sent him, but I need this. It’s not sexual as he climbs up and removes his shirt to let me absorb his warmth and scent. It’s just natural as he wraps me in his arms, and I melt into his embrace.
“What would you do?” I mumble sometime later.
“About what?” he asks, kissing the top of my head.
“If you knew what you were doing was right but it would cause someone to mistrust you, someone you love more than anything.”
He thinks it through. “I would do it and hope they love me enough to understand and listen to me.” He holds me tighter. “You are smart, Quinn, and capable. There is a reason you will be the next alpha, and it’s not because of who Jang is to you. It’s because you have proven time and time again that you put this pack first. Even when others didn’t believe you could, you stood against all odds and survived. Whatever it is, you must have a reason. I won’t ask because you clearly don’t want to tell me yet, but know we love and support you. You’re family.”
I needed to hear that, but as I snuggle into Dom, the scent seems wrong.
I need a spicier one.
“Ican’t fucking believe this,” Lucien grumbles from the cell over.
Luckily, in this tiny town, there is only us and a drunk sleeping off his fix within the jail. The security is lax, and we could break out for sure, but we need them to let us go. We can’t hunt wolves if the police are hunting us, so we stay despite how angry we are.
Each second that ticks by is another moment where Jai will be hurt, and it’s eating me up inside.
On the outside, I look calm, my eyes shut and arms behind my head, but they don’t see the hardness of my muscles or my fists clenching under my head.
“Vale?” Lucien hisses. I don’t even have to open my eyes to know he’s pacing. It won’t change anything. They are clearly buddies with the guy we assaulted and are holding us here to decide what to do. I even overheard moustache guy say he wasn’t pressing charges, but the cops are still holding us.